The Uncommon Way

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The Right Way to Choose Your Next Business Investment

Today I start a year-long program for a certification I absolutely DON’T need.

(And I wouldn’t have it any other way.)

I got up early and took Skye for a walk around my town’s ivy-covered college campus for the first time since we moved here.

It brought me right back to my own college days! Tiny Pennsylvania town, graystone buildings, historical significance, and stunning crisp fall weather.

Which was all part of my strategy 🤔 I wanted to kick off my first day as a student again by reconnecting with the joy of learning for learning’s sake.

Not because of a scarcity-based “I need this in order to…”
but because “and what else is possible?”

I think the trap that lots of us fall into when we’re starting out as entrepreneurs is that we’re only able to justify an investment in ourselves if we think we really neeeed it. (That was me!)

“I suck at sales. If I don’t take this sales course, I’ll never reach my dream!” Etc.

And maybe that’s true to a point. Nobody’s born with all the skills you need to run a successful solo business!

But there’s a big problem:

We exhaust ourselves trying to fix the SYMPTOMS without ever addressing the real CAUSE.

Because if we enter into something with a sense of lack and being less than, we usually come out the very same way!

Conveniently, we don’t see the results we want, and that helps us reinforce our “not-enough-yet-ness”. (Such clever brains!)

Wouldn’t it be amazing if instead we simply asked, “What’s the next right step in my evolution?”

And then we actually went with our gut?

And just subverted the whole damn cycle?!

I think so :) (In fact, I know so!)

Rather than just scrolling to the next email in your inbox, why not take a few minutes to really feel into YOUR next best step?

Is it sales? Is it marketing? Or maybe gardening? Or shamanic dance?

Or is it learning to manage your mind so you can create your results from within, and get where you’re ALREADY GOING quicker and more easily?

Whatever your answer, I’m giving you a permission slip to ACTUALLY DO THAT THING.

Because as long as you don't give up, you're going to have a successful business. So consider it done.

There’s nothing else you need to do or prove or be in order to start living your life for you.

Life (and business) is better when you finally start letting your inner visionary run the show 💛
