The Uncommon Way

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Crazy Orchids, Instagram Queens and The Onion Effect

Guess what? Your business is just like my crazy orchid.

For over 2 years I’ve been watering and feeding the damn thing, with nothing to show for it but lots of scraggly roots.

Because unlike warm and humid Miami, where an orchid used to grow wild in the palm tree outside my window and I first got hooked on growing them myself, here in the dry high desert of Colorado the only blooms you see are the ones in stores (coming straight from a greenhouse).

Or so I thought.

Get this: In late January, a little stem popped up! Right in the coldest, darkest, driest part of the year, months away from the growing season.

Ahem, Jenna, so happy for you. But why is that worthy of my inbox?

It’s because there’s a deep, raw pain floating around the online entrepreneur community.

And usually it’s suppressed under all the talk of leaning in, and no excuses, and girl wash your faceness. And all the pictures of chic dresses, spotless child-filled living rooms, or silly-me-I-goofed-off-and-only-worked-for-an-hour-today-but-omg-my-launch-did-$40K!!

But that only makes it worse.

Because even though "Why is this business thing taking me so long, and costing me so much, when other people do it so quickly?!" doesn’t exactly rate a 100 on the life-tragedy scale . . .

It actually stems from the "not enoughness" that we’ve inherited, internalized, learned, assimilated, and otherwise come to fear and believe.

And THAT is super painful.

(We’re talking bury your misery in Netflix, avoid that friend who you know is going to ask about your business, or crumple into a bawling heap in the middle of your hallway painful.)

But I’ve figured something out during my years as an entrepreneur and coach...

Your business is like my orchid.

It may seem like it’s never going to take off . . . but then it does.

And there are REASONS why some women grow their business more quickly than others, and reasons why you can’t and wouldn’t want to anyway.

CLICK HERE to see the video where I break it all down.

It’s where I share . . .

[0:30] The time I almost threw in the towel (but knew I wouldn’t, really)

[1:45] Why it’s so important for us to talk about this in as many different ways as possible

[3:40] Why it’s totallyyyy worth it to choose the right ICA, even if it takes a bit

[6:00] A quick thought reframe for whenever you start counting the months "lost"

[6:15] Moms and working girls, this is for you!

[8:45] The GOOD way to think about and implement that ‘hustle’ energy

[10:00] Deep thinkers and perfectionists, this is for you!

[11:15] The "Onion Effect" that (partially) takes your timeline out of your hands.

This last one is the most critical piece for you to understand to increase your resiliency and sense of peace during the days ahead!

So if you’re kicking yourself because you should’ve been so much further ahead by now, ask yourself this:

What if your business timeline is EXACTLY what you ultimately need to get where you’re going in the quickest and most successful way?

Here’s to all of your hard work (because it’s putting the wheels in motion even if you can’t see it yet),
