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Here’s what you’ll learn in this LIVE training:

  • My proven, proprietary method for connecting the dots and getting crystal clear on what you want and what needs to happen next

  • How to identify what’s been holding you back so you can finally overcome it

  • The 3 most common mental patterns blocking smart women from the life they want to be living

  • Tricks for quickly adopting the same mental toughness and high-performance mindset as pro athletes, elite soldiers and world-class execs so you can create that life you want!

This is NOT the kind of presentation where you only get stories about how the presenter did it …


Have you ever thought…

  • I’m doing pretty well . . . but there’s a voice inside saying I haven’t scratched the surface of what I’m capable of.

  • If I’m as smart as those people, why aren’t I further ahead by now?

  • Why does this pattern keep repeating in my life?

  • Why did I pull back when I had that opportunity?

No more holding back!!

Get the strategies I’ve used to help US Army officers, entrepreneurs, government officials, stay-at-home moms, corporate executives and more get clear and get REAL results …

Because NOTHING is more powerful than your own brain (once you’ve tuned it like a Ferrari).

What if 2 months from now you had your clarity, confidence and mindset TOTALLY DIALED IN?


This is what’s possible...

My client Karima had this voice in her head saying she was ready for something WAY bigger, but she wasn’t clear on how to get there.

Nothing seemed to be working!

Also, she was scared...

What if people laughed at her?

What if she was making the wrong choice and later regretted it?

What if she put in tons of time and effort … and failed completely?

If only she had a clear path forward and a partner to say,

“Look, you’re 100% capable. We just need to x, y, z.”

Because then she’d really run with it, knowing the REWARDS far outweighed any risks. Like …

  • The peace of mind that comes when you step into your power and stop the game of striving but never arriving

  • No longer feeling like her talents were being underutilized and life was passing her by

  • Being the woman she expected to be when she was a young girl!

Luckily, it only took 2 months to get her there once she learned how to train her brain to work FOR rather than AGAINST her …

… and saw that anyone can do it if they have the right tools!

A few weeks in she wrote me,

I’m honestly pretty amazed. I’m just feeling very good and confident and knowing I can do this … thinking about how far I’ve gotten in just a couple of months, and how much further I can be in just a couple more!

And it makes it impossible to say, ‘I can’t do it,’ because I am LITERALLY doing it. This was definitely the best decision I ever made.”

In just a few months she had a much more lucrative career, had moved to a new city and a glam downtown loft, and was thinking about herself and her life in a completely new (and much healthier) way.

(And oh … not that this defines us, but the following year she got engaged to the man of her dreams!)

So, want that for yourself?


Jenna Harrison spent decades trying to get clear

… on how to live up to the vision of her life that she had as a young girl and do her best, most meaningful work in the world.

It took working with the US Army … through a crazy set of circumstances … to finally help the pieces fall into place. And that’s when she realized the answers had been there all along. Now she’s helped people across the globe do the same for themselves (and has even been called “The Queen of Clarity”!).

This FREE virtual workshop shows you Jenna’s top 3 “secrets” about how smart women get in their own way and teaches you how to recognize them in your own life and overcome them using simple tools.

Fees to work with Jenna are usually between $500 and $10,000, but this training reveals the very same 3-step framework she uses with clients, for FREE. At the end, you’ll have an opportunity to speak with Jenna if you would like to hire her to help you through the process she outlines on the training. However, that is not required. Claim your spot on this training while seats are still available!