Ep #83: Creating $10K Months by Learning to Love Sales and Your Offer with Amanda Popovski

Episode Summary

Jenna and Amanda discuss how to create $10k months by learning how to love sales and your offer.

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Show Notes

Would you love to hit $10k per month in your business but don’t enjoy selling? Does the simple thought of selling feel painful? Do you sigh when you see a sales conversation marked in your calendar?

I’m thrilled to welcome back Amanda Popovski to the podcast this week. Amanda is a coach and a member of my Clarity Accelerator who used to share the same dislike for selling. The last time she was here, she was just starting her coaching business, and when we left off, she was ready to go. In January, she hit $10k in one month. This week, we dive into what changed for Amanda and how she transformed from not being a fan of selling to becoming a sales cheerleader.

Tune in to hear Amanda’s success story and discover how to shift your mindset toward sales to create your own success. Amanda shares how learning to love sales and her offer allowed her to make $10k in a month during one of the most challenging times for new entrepreneurs. Learn how to show up unattached to the outcome of a sales call and why doing so has been so helpful for the clients meeting with Amanda.


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • The biggest change that catapulted Amanda from not being a fan of sales to being a sales cheerleader.

  • How to effectively let go of fear and attachments surrounding the sales call.

  • Some key mindset changes that were useful for Amanda.

  • The importance of loving and being confident in your offer and sales.

  • How to step away from any shame if you haven’t experienced the same results yet.

  • How the Clarity Accelerator helped Amanda successfully start her coaching business.


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Full Episode Transcript:

Would you love to be hitting $10K months in your business, but the truth is you just really don't enjoy selling? And so, even thinking about getting to $10K feels kind of painful. Especially sales conversations, when you see one on your calendar are you like, “Ugh?”

Well, today I'm bringing on my client, Amanda, who used to be right there with you, but now feels totally differently. Her recent $10K month is a reflection of that. She will be sharing exactly what changed, so you can start to create big new results too and actually feel great doing so.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top-ranked business coach and reformed over-analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Hey, everyone, welcome back to The Uncommon Way. So glad you're here. I have got a treat for you today. I am bringing back Amanda Popovski, the one and only. You have to check out her earlier podcast, when she was just starting her coaching business. It was called “How to Feel Totally Prepared to Start Your Business.”

We left off there with her feeling prepared and really ready to go. Then, in December, she celebrated her first $5K month. And now, in January, her first $10K month, and at the time of this recording the month’s not over yet. I really wanted to bring her back on so she could share exactly what happened between then and now.

Because for new entrepreneurs, the most challenging times are right when you're beginning and you're not feeling prepared, you're feeling confused, uncertain. And then, those early days when you're trying to bring in your first clients or are trying to create more consistency, and again, you're feeling confused and uncertain.

So, our first episode really speaks to that first stage. And now, this one is going to help if you're in the second. I'm so excited for you to find out what she has done over and over again to make sure that she is calling in her best clients, who are ready to sign now. The specific thought that lets her show up completely unattached to the outcome of her sales calls, and how that's so helpful for the women that are meeting with her.

Why Amanda's first attempt at building a coaching business didn't work, and what has made such a difference this time. Plus, the single moment on the sales call that gets Amanda most excited. And no, it's actually not the moment when they say yes.

And then, of course, there's the biggest change that really catapulted her from not being a fan of sales to, in her words, “sales biggest cheerleader.” I could go on, but instead, I am going to let Amanda tell you everything. Let's go ahead and bring her on.

Jenna Harrison: Hey, Amanda, welcome back to the podcast.

Amanda Popovski: Thank you so much. Happy to be here.

Jenna: The last time we left off, you felt completely prepared to start your coaching business. And now, you have a coaching business. Tell us about that.

Amanda: I do. Okay, the last time we talked might have been the summer or maybe the beginning of the fall. And at that time, I was super happy and excited because I had taken big leaps to work with you, in the first place, and to get my coaching business off the ground. To really come out as a coach to my family and my friends, then to my coworkers at corporate, and eventually to the whole internet as I started to market myself more.

I've had an incredible experience. In the four or five months of having my business open, I've noticed some really incredible exponential growth, or quantum leaps, whatever you want to call them. And a lot of it has to do with working with you, and of course getting those foundations from the Clarity Accelerator. I'm really grateful for that work, and I’m excited to talk about it.

Jenna: Great. You've had a lot of success in your business, in your new business. So, are you open to sharing that?

Amanda: Yes. Let's see. I found my first client in August, and in January was my first $10K month, or of my first five-figure month.

Jenna: Congratulations.

Amanda: Thank you.

Jenna: It’s so wonderful, I know, and so helpful for people to hear success stories like yours. Also, I think at some point, we'll also want to have a conversation about, of course, we want to talk about all of the amazing things you did to create those results.

And then, we'll also want to talk about just a few things that will help normalize it for people, and also help us step away from any shame if we haven't been experiencing those same results ourselves. I think those are all important things to talk about.

So, one thing I really know about you is that you follow the Clarity Accelerator process. And in fact, you've gone back to it, I think, two or three times now. You've gone through the work again and again, and not everyone does that. So, I would just love if you could talk about why you do that, what about it works for you, and why you think it works for you. Just for anyone that is on the fence or isn't sure.

Amanda: Okay, let me collect my thoughts on that one. When I first signed on for the Clarity Accelerator, I was really called toward the kind of woman that you were talking to in your messaging. Someone who was taking off and making decisive business decisions, and maybe even starting their business or launching their business in a way that made sense, the first time around.

I knew from my previous experience starting a business that I wanted to really do it right this time, and I wanted to work with a high-level coach. You came into my life at the perfect time. My first exposure to the Clarity Accelerator was really, really focused on your three key pieces, which are: Knowing myself; Knowing my people, who I want to work with; and marrying them together.

And so, the Clarity Accelerator process really make sense for, I guess, how my brain works. And in a foundational way, the triangle is the strongest shape in nature, so to have those three pieces on constant rotation, it makes sense to me. Because we are continually creating clarity as an evolution, as you like to say. Especially being in my first year in business.

I came out coaching with one niche, and I've noticed that I've been able to narrow it down and narrow it down and narrow it down. And that continually meeting and working on making sure that my message is in alignment with not only myself but also the people that I really, really want to attract, is invaluable.

I think the reason is because I see the real impact of market research and the business tools that you've taught us, that as I'm growing, especially in my first year, I noticed that as I refine and refine and refine, and as I get more clients that I get a jolt of excitement from, I'm like, “Oh, I want to attract more of them.”

And so, it's just a really strong kind of manifestation process for me to continually get clear on who I want to bring in. And then, to see the result in my messaging and my marketing in a way that feels authentic to me. That’s what draws me to do it over and over and over again.

Jenna: I love it. For me, it's so easy to see that clarity is an evolution, and that curriculum is a living, breathing thing. Right? That is always helpful in your business, no matter what stage you're at. But I think that's hard for people to conceptualize when they are thinking about what they're going to be doing.

They don't quite realize how beautiful of a process it is to always uncover greater levels of knowledge within yourself, greater understandings about your clients, and what you're really here to do. And how that then can, if we draw it out of ourselves, how we can use that and turn that into a really powerful messaging.

Amanda: Exactly. It's like you really find your… at least this was my experience… I really found my purpose the first time going through the Clarity Accelerator. And now, I keep saying this, but it just makes sense for me, as I continue to evolve, to keep up with the evolution of my purpose. Just keep moving up the rungs of the ladder, or refining and refining and refining.

Right now, I feel like I'm in a totally polished place. But I know that in two years, as I grow and change and become more of who I am, I'll come back to the Clarity Accelerator method and just kind of tweak things and maybe do a complete overhaul. And having that curriculum on my side is really important to me.

Jenna: Yeah, it's interesting because if you watch people in the market, you'll see everyone's message evolve a little bit over time. If you're paying attention, you start to see that they're talking about a different subject or talking about it in a different way. And unfortunately, I think so often, that can be kind of a spaghetti-at-the-wall approach, or more of a ‘let me throw this out and see what comes back to me’.

Here in the Clarity Accelerator, we really want to take a more active energy rather than passive energy. Where we're sourcing deep from within, and then creating that in our world with intention, rather than passively bouncing things out and then evaluating. That's the way I think of it.

Amanda: When I did my first coaching business, in comparison to what I'm doing now, it felt like a very shallow effort of looking around at what other people were doing, trying to make it my own, and trying to add my own spin on it. But in the [inaudible] like you said, you store some really deep within like the tree trunk, instead of just any random leaf.

That gives way to so much more conviction, which we talk about, is what really sells. And so, I feel like I am completely unique on the market because I've done the work, through the Clarity Accelerator, of digging into who I am, what I'm here to offer, and what might be the insights, multiple times over.

Jenna: I love that. Also, in addition to the curriculum and doing this work, which is so important, there are also different things I see that help people get results from the work. So, I believe the work that we do here always works. It's always what's needed and what you come to eventually. And that's why it makes so much more sense to build your business out the right way, or the next pivot you're doing the right way.

However, even within that I see variability within my clients, in terms of how quickly that turns into $10Kk months for instance, or $100K months, or whatever they're moving towards. And so, there are certain skills that you need to build as an entrepreneur as well.

I think it's important for us to just be really, really transparent about the fact that you already were, even when you came into the program, a very strong marketer. So, you had a digital marketing agency before you came into the program.

That's just something that we want to share for anyone out there that's having that little tiny voice saying, “Amanda got to $10K months in six months. What's wrong with me?” There are certain skills that we need to build. And of course, we build them all in the Clarity Accelerator. But some of us have a leg up already when we come in.

There's another piece, that's not the skills, it's the mindset. And so, you also have to, among many other mindset shifts, you have to actually start to enjoy the process of bringing clients in. Or let's just call it, the elephant in the room, sales. Dun-dun-dun.

And so, when I heard from you, a few, I think it was a month ago or so, when we were talking once. You said something, and right away, I said, “We need to have you on the podcast again to have a conversation about this.” Because this is something else that you didn't come into the program with naturally that you had to do the work to create for yourself.

But you did get to the point where you spontaneously said to me one day, “I'm digging the discovery call almost more than the coaching itself.” Now, Amanda, you are a woman who longed, who yearned, to be a life coach, right? It's not something that you're doing because you thought it was the quickest way out of corporate, or any of that ridiculousness.

You had this deep yearning and longing. You'd been working on this business, or hoping about the business, for years, so you love coaching. And yet, you said this to me, you said you were really digging the discovery call. Which must just sound so foreign to many of the people. Because a lot of people have a lot of discomfort about that process.

So, please tell us more about this. Because I know any way you can share, about how you're thinking about this and what it took you to get to that place, is going to be so helpful for so many people.

Amanda: Oh, yeah, I think there's so many things that go into why I love sales calls, discovery calls, all of that. I think the first thing is just that I believe so strongly in the fact that it's an energetic exchange, and that it's a divine appointment. And that's something that you've taught me, Jenna. Is that even if there's not a sale that comes from it, I just love the idea of being able to be with someone and truly help them.

So, from a point of soul fulfillment, I know that that good karma is coming around. And also what I've learned from you, is that it's an amazing opportunity for you to basically see what you could get away with.

So instead of putting all the pressure on the sale, I've played around a lot, religiously, with the idea of ‘okay for this particular sales call, I'm going to say my new price out loud. And if I do that, then that's a win. And I don't have attachment if she buys it. I'm going to try to do this sales call when I'm sick. I'm going to do the sales call when I don't have a voice;’ when you know those are both very true experience.

That is a healthy and excellent and really safe way for me to approach the call, and make the person kind of feel my detachment and not feel any desperation. To just be like, “Okay, this person is here to talk with me.” I also love to sales call because I have a framework that really, really works for me.

So as someone that is a Generator, is a go-getter, is very good at organization, I like having an agenda and I always have. Even in my position in corporate, I'm a product manager and I'm organized. I always know what the next thing is. And so, to apply that kind of positive masculine structure of ‘this is a sales call format’ that works for me, I know why I'm asking these questions. I know exactly, after practice, and practice and practice, I know exactly what questions to ask. That's really important, too.

Jenna: And just to interject there, in the Clarity Accelerator, we teach a framework. Where we're like, “Here's the kind of information you're going to be wanting to bring out of this person. Here are some sample questions. But then, how do you want to talk about this? And where in the call do you want to put this, so that it really can feel like yours?

I remember you doing that for yourself. Some people will kind of just mirror pretty much exactly what's there, and pull out a few of the questions that are there. But you actually took the time to make it yours, which I'm sure is a huge reason you've been really successful at it. Because it's felt really authentic for you.

Amanda: Yeah, absolutely. And another thing that you and I have talked about, or you helped me understand, is that even if this woman comes in guns blazing and she's like, “I want to work with you. I know I want to work with you. I love your energy. I love your vibe. My credit card’s right here, let's do this,” it’s so worth it for both me, and the woman on the other side of the phone, to go through the entire, extremely enlightening, sales process.

Because for her, it’s helping her dig even deeper into getting a sampling of what the whole experience is like to work with me. And for me, I'm able to ask her questions that I'm going to use for the rest of my coaching container; really, really deep, and precise questions about the obstacles that she's facing, who she wants to be, why she wants to be that person, and why it works for her.

And so, it's a win-win-win for everybody all around. It's a life-changing experience for both people.

Jenna: I love that you said that, because I was noticing some of the things you were saying before, were things that would help people see why not to hate a sales call. But then this next level of why would you actually love a sales call, I think you just really hit on that very powerfully just now. I have a feeling anyone listening to what you just said, would really feel that excitement and energy.

I agree, it's an amazing way to set both you and the client up for success later on, to have a really powerful discovery call. And to help them get excited about what they're stepping into, to help you understand what they're going to need help with later on, to have them even come in…

I really believe, I'm sure you do too, but a person can come in at the beginning, not having had a discovery call, and just by the end of that discovery call can come in as a completely different client to your program. Which will help them get better results.

Okay, so something I'm thinking about now is, you talked about a couple of the mindset shifts, key mindset shifts, that were really helpful for you in order to move into this stage of really loving discovery calls. Some of them were things that I shared. But I could share that with other people, and they wouldn't necessarily make the mental leap into kind of absorbing that information, and then getting to the point of loving a sales call.

So, I would love to know your process. Anything you can remember about this period for you, in between our last podcast and now. Anything that you've done, that you think might be helpful for other people that are kind of struggling with finding their footing as a coach, charging premium prices, and getting to the point where they really don't fear the call as much.

Amanda: I'll start with a tool that I learned from you. And then, I'll kind of get into my stuff. Before and after all of my calls, I do an evaluation. What worked? What didn't? What would you do differently? But even before that, I took your advice and I started to write myself a letter, for my future self. “If this client signed with me, and we had a fantastic experience, what would I really love about them?”

So I think that preparing for the sales call, and going into it with an idea of ‘this person would be a great fit for X-Y-Z reasons, and my higher self knows that, I know that, they know that or they wouldn't have contacted me, is so awesome.’

It's a little crude, but I read another coaching book one time that, “There's not a gun to this person’s head. They're not in a hostage situation. They don't need to buy from you. You don't necessarily need to bind with them, because there's abundance coming to you anyways.” So, it's just like a conversation between two people that want the best for the individual involved.

And if we think about the idea of letting go of the fear and the attachment around the sales call. We think about people, life coaches, saying that you have a relationship with money, this inanimate object. And if I were just describing my relationship with sales, or with sales calls, it would be something of immense mutual respect.

That level of detachment, and that level of ‘I'm okay if the sales call doesn't go great,’ is usually nourishing, not only for me, but for that department of my business. It feels like it has integrity. Because if the sales call doesn't go so well, I have something that I can learn from, and they probably learned something along the way too.

It's just really lovely to think about connecting with another human being who is living and breathing, and have goals and ambition. And one last thing about my sales calls, that I make really clear, is that I lean into the moments that are really important.

So, I've established that I love to be in that moment when a woman finally admits what she wants, after being scared to do that. When somebody comes in, and they're like, on their intake form, talking about how they really want to make more money or something like that. And then, through the course of the call, we're able to get to a point where she's like, “Well, actually, I want to be a writer,” or something like that.

I go into this with the idea that I am just so excited to experience that moment that I do coaching for. I'm so excited to experience that clarifying moment, and be there in that particular experience with this person.

Jenna: Yes, it is an honor. Isn't it? It is such an honor. I love that you shared that example, because I think when we can bring in certain examples, anyone who is in the place of sales is really, really tough. And sales is something that I avoid like the plague. And that's why it's challenging for me to bring on clients.

And as they hear us talking, the more concrete example of this we can give them, the more they can sink into that that is an amazing thing. “I could look forward to that on a call, because I'd love to be part of it.” And I also think, since obviously I work with people that aren't coaches, as well, the same could hold true for any business, right?

There will be a point when you're getting to know your client, and really talking about wants and needs and what's it really for, that you're helping them clarify for themselves and for you, and just creating a better relationship. Then going forward; with a greater outcome for all involved, going forward.

Amanda: Something that reminds me of is, if I really think about the mindset that had to change, or the powerful thoughts that I had to think between when I was not a fan of sales and now that I'm sales biggest cheerleader.

The biggest change was the realization that I was an authority, that they came to me for a reason, that I have something to give, and that my offer is so again, outstanding, that I'm really excited that they're on this call, and I'm really excited to sell it to them. Because I know it's going to work for them.

And so, behind the scenes of being excited about the sales call, if we kind of move backward, it's like getting to know your offer, how much you love your offer, how much you respect and love yourself, and are excited to take that leap, and to circle it way, way back, that's exactly what we do in the Clarity Accelerator, among so many other things.

It's just getting clearer and clearer, and becoming even more confident in what you have to offer. Which makes the sales a very exciting experience of ‘you're welcome. Come and join my team. Come join my gang. And we'll make some magic together.’

Jenna: Absolutely that is why I designed the Clarity Accelerator that way. To really give you all those pieces, so that you can really love your offer and your selling experience, and go out to help more people, create more success. And being on the other end of a discovery call when someone has that clarity about who they are and what they do, and they're so completely unattached, it is a beautiful thing.

I have this top of mind, because we've been trying to select a school for Dylan, for when we moved to Spain this summer. And so, we've been having a bunch of discovery calls with principals of these private schools. And a couple of them were just not a fit. Though, I'm so, so happy to say that we finally found one that is amazing.

I was on the call with her, and it was so meta. Because the business coach in me was observing everything she was doing, and how clear she was on the school’s secret sauce, and how that translated into really strong positioning. But at the same time, the parent in me was just reveling in how amazing it feels to find that perfect-fit situation.

Because there are a couple of schools on the island that they're known for great academics, for instance, and their graduates go to top colleges, and yada-yada-yada. This school is not one of them. If there were insecurities about that, she would have spent a lot of time talking about academics, or she would have talked about how great their academics are.

But she specifically said they don't do a lot of testing there. They really believe that if children have good relationships with their teacher and each other, the learning takes care of itself. And then she goes on to say, they don't even have entrance requirements for their children. Because they believe that that's not a real-world situation for children to always be, or for people to always be surrounded by others that are just extremely, extremely bright.

And that really, the world is about learning to interact with all sorts of people. I'm sure I just was getting brighter and brighter and happier as she was talking about this. Because we just know that Dylan will not do well in a really super strict, high-pressure environment. That he would do so much better, even though he's extremely bright, but he'll just do so much better. He just needs a lot of love and a lot of happiness, and the childhood experience.

So, that's just one example. But there were so many things like that, where I'm sure it would have sent some parents packing, by what she was saying. But for people like us, it was like, “Check, check. Yep, that's what we're looking for. And that's what we're looking for. Where do we sign up? Phil, please, please tell us you have a slot available.”

That's what happens when you really, deeply believe that your way of doing things is amazing and perfect for the right people. You don't have to compensate for any of your perceived lack, or anything. When you really have your uncommon way and make things your own. Just like you did with developing your amazing offer, and with making your sales framework really yours.

I do the same as well with my business, of course, and then the business programs that I join. Speaking of which, I don't think I've ever told you the story. You know how sometimes we've talked about how when you're looking to move towards a goal, and it's so important for us to stay in non-attachment.

But instead of trying to hustle our way towards results, we’re just open to our hits of inspiration. Gut hits, communication from the universe, anything that will show you your next steps. Rather than falling into that old panic paradigm that has so many of us burning out and spinning out, and absolutely overtaxing our nervous systems.

So, a lot of times I've talked to you about a month when I was down against a deadline and I refused to slip back into that old panic response. And it felt really disconcerting for me, right? Because I was waiting, and I was wanting to really take aligned action. Well, that is the very month actually, that I reached out to you randomly, out of the blue.

We've talked about it so often, but I've never made this connection. Or I never connected the dots to tell you that also happened that month. And how that ties into making things your own, is because I was working with a coach at that moment who very adamantly believed you should never reach out to any one that you had talked to in a past sales call. That if you were in your future-self state, you would be way too busy to reach out to people that had wanted to work with you.

And in that month, I remember getting a hit of, “Maybe I want to reach out to a couple people.” I remember having the mental somersaults in my head about, “Well, I probably don't need to do that. I probably shouldn't do that. Am I being graspy? Is this coming from a place of being clingy?”

And I really sat with myself, I didn't act on it immediately. But there was this strong draw. And I realized that I was not going to reach out to everybody. But I was really going to sit with myself and be like, who are those people I've talked to, with whom I felt a soul connection, and just really believed that maybe there was more to our story?

And so, I reached out to you. I also reached out to Carrie, who's been on the podcast before. I know you two didn't overlap, but you would love her so much. And so, at the time, you weren't ready to come back on and work with me. But I do believe that maybe that little reach out inspired you later on to come back, and set up another call; and the rest is history.

So, I think that's a great story of just something fun to share with you and the listeners. But it's a great story about really doing it your way, and how sometimes we don't want to follow what our coach says. Our own divine wisdom, and our own clarity, is really what we need to learn to cultivate for ourselves. With the guidance and support of a coach, of course.

But really, ultimately, what you're looking for is your uncommon way. Also, just to know that the power, and this can also help with that non-attachment when you're in a sales call moment, but the power sometimes of waiting until your person is ready, right? And waiting until it's the right moment for you two to create this explosion that the two of you are going to create.

Because if we had tried working together two years ago, or a year ago, I don't remember the exact timeline. But we may not be sitting here with the same kind of story that we're talking about right now. And yet, all the pieces came together, and here we are.

Amanda: Yeah, that's such an inspiring, and also very exciting story for me to hear. I didn't know that. I think that's such a good point. I think that there's ways, in your sales call, that you can also ask those kinds of questions. To really get to the bottom of ‘is this person urgent enough? Are they committed enough? Is there something in our energy that is not working right now? And if so, can I find out why, in a way that's also beneficial to them, that explores their psyche as well?’

Jenna: Yes, and know that maybe that conversation is what was needed for that person. It's nothing against you. It doesn't mean that you failed at the sales call. It just meant that what was meant to happen right now was a conversation. And who knows what will happen later?

By the way, if anyone is struggling, or wants to go deeper into the concept of not feeling so attached, I do have a podcast episode on that. We'll link to it in the show notes; it’s about non-attachment in sales and marketing. All right, Amanda, I want to thank you so much for coming on today. I just want to ask, is there anything else that you think you want to share with the audience, or the you of even three months ago that we haven't talked about yet?

Amanda: Yeah. I think if I had any last remarks they would be about love, which is the personal matter theme in my life. I think great businesses, outstanding personal businesses come from a place of sustainability and longevity. And I can definitely say that if I didn't have the Clarity Accelerator I don't know if I would feel as confident in the sustainability and longevity of what I'm building.

Part of that has to do with your particular coaching method, and the worksheets and everything that are so, so valuable, that, again, I've gone through time and time and time again. But another piece of it, is just to know that someone believes in me. On our sales call, I know this is quite uncommon, but you let me know that you saw me going to six figures without a doubt.

And of course, I would never hold that against you. But to have that running through my mind, even as I'm getting to this $10K month, and being like, “It's happening.” And as I do my next $10K month, and it's happening to me. The me of three months ago, I really admire how much she made it her mission to fall in love with her business.

I think from that love comes that longevity, that sustainability. And that drives the passion to redo the Clarity Accelerator, or to work on your thoughts about the sales call. And manifest the best that you really deserve.

Jenna: I love that. Thank you for sharing that. If we can, you and I, transfer that belief to any woman entrepreneur, that yes, it is possible and we believe in you to create your six-figure business. And by the way, it's not something that I usually say on a discovery call with somebody. In fact, I just got off a discovery call with somebody…

We actually paused the call because she was very interested in the success rate and the percentage of people that create whatever results, revenue results in their business. I kept coming back with all the examples of clients of mine that had done all the work, and had done amazing things, and have not created those financial results that they wanted to after a year, for instance.

I was able to break down why, what was going on with their mindset when they pivoted their business, when they got scared, and I really want to normalize that for so many people. That so many people, myself included, are on a journey where we still have either skills to learn, or mindset issues to work through, and so many things are happening for us.

And in fact, I paused the call, and I asked her the question, “Well, what if it took you three years In order to reach your corporate revenue? Would it still be worth it? What if it took you five years?” And she was like, “Well, three years, yes. But five years? No.” “Alright, let's talk about that. Let's think about what if it isn't five years?”

So usually, I take people in the other direction, which is really helping them lean into their own resiliency and commitment, and just make decisions. It doesn't mean that you can't start a business if you're not willing to commit more than two years to it, I'm not saying that.

But you need to go with eyes wide open, that that's going to inherently create different pressure points in your business. Your motivation likely will start to decrease if you haven't seen the results that your brain thinks needs to be seen, as you get closer to this magical two-year mark, or whatever arbitrary number you've set in your head.

So, it is unusual that I would say that so boldly to you. And I think it's just because I knew exactly where you were and what might be holding you back. And I knew so many of the skills that you already possessed, as well. But I do believe it, for anyone out there, maybe even if you have had a discovery call with me and maybe I did push back a bit on this, I do want you to know that it is possible for anyone.

I believe that in my heart of hearts. I did not always. When I started in business, I thought maybe it's only the lucky few, or maybe if it's only if you're a brilliant marketer, or only if- only if- only if, right? And maybe not me. But now that I'm on the other side and I've seen so many women, I know that the single variable is, will you stick with it? If you stick with it, you're going to create your success.

Amanda: That’s so awesome. That’s really what makes you stick with it, it's the knowledge that someday it will happen.

Jenna: Yeah, and the knowledge that it happens differently for a lot of us. And that it's all important, because whatever skills or mindset things you're working through along the way, they're only going to propel your business faster and further forward when it does click.

So, speaking of beautiful ways of showing up and marketing, and just bringing your own energy to the world, could you please share with us how people can get in touch with you and find you online? Because I think a lot of people should go to visit, and watch and engage, and just have a lot of fun in your world.

Amanda: Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. Yes, it's @amandapopovski on Instagram. My Linktree link is there, and I've got some posts and whatnot on there. But that's the main place that people can find me. Thank you.

Jenna: Don't you have a workshop of some sort coming up?

Amanda: I do have a workshop in the Buffalo area. I don't know if any of your listeners are in Buffalo. If they are, I would love to meet them. But I will be having a workshop in February, with a very Valentine’s/Galentine’s Day kind of theme. So, I would love for you to follow me on Instagram to stay updated.

Jenna: Yeah, tell us about it.

Amanda: I'm really excited about this one. This is kind of going back to the basics of what I teach, which is in three parts: Getting to know who you are and how you got to where you are, getting to know where you want to go. And finally, understanding the process that it takes to get there. After years of maybe inauthentic hustle or burnout or just feeling like you're not in alignment.

And so, you and all of the other sweet, awesome, dope, Buffalo ladies will get together, we're going to have cookies and sweets, and just have a really life moving hour and a half of journaling and learning and making things happen in our lives, creating results.

Jenna: So nice. Most of your clients, where do they tend to come in terms of their journey? And where do they really want to go?

Amanda: Oh, it was so funny when I first started, because I, myself, am 25. And I thought that I wanted to just work with millennials and Gen-Z. But I found that I have clients that are in their 40s and their 50s. And they are all different in age, but really the same in soul.

They come to me wanting to create some sort of results in their life. For one of them, it’s launching her business. For one of them, it's finding her soulmate. For another one, she just feels like her life is not what she thought it would be. She wants to be more in tune with herself, raise her vibration and become in alignment, and really take bold action.

So a lot of my clients come to me from a place of feeling kind of stuck, frustrated, like they can't really take the action that they want to take on these big goals and dreams that they have. And as we work together, they learn a little bit more about what it really means to take action as someone who is living in alignment.

As somebody who is a master manifester tapping into their intuition, being pulled by abundance and clarity, instead of being pushed by guilt and being ‘I have to do this because X-Y-Z.’ We really do a lot of unlearning in my coaching practice. And from that baseline to true knowledge about yourself and who you are. We get you where you want to go quicker, easier, and better, as you would say.

Jenna: I really love it. I think that your people have very much… You've described a lot of them to me as badasses. They can be very ambitious and very successful, and yet there's this kind of hesitancy, in a way, that's kind of foreign to them about taking action.

What I think is so beautiful, what we found for your business, is that you have a side of yourself, obviously; you're such a go-getter, you create such amazing things. You do find ways to move over any hurdles of inaction. You will work through it, and create amazing discipline for yourself. And I know that's very attractive to your people.

And also, there's this other thing that it turns out they're really looking for, and that you are really well positioned to help them with. Which is this space of alignment, like you were talking about. And I think it's unique having a foot in both worlds. Where you can speak to this side, but then also speak to that side.

Amanda: Yeah, absolutely.

Jenna: You've used both of them in your own life. You're walking the walk of incorporating both of those.

Amanda: And I found in my own journey, that if I trend too far on the masculine, then I get burnt out. If I trend too far on the feminine, then I get bored.

And I was like, “There has to be a way to blend both of these together, and live in a place of alignment. Where I'm following my purpose and I feel really excited and grateful to be Amanda Popovski every day. And I'm also challenging myself, taking brave action, doing things that help me grow, that make me [inaudible] in my pants. But also feel so happy and grateful to be alive and present and joyful.

Jenna: Oh my gosh. Yes. I think anyone now is going to quietly turn off the podcast and go put on the workout clothes, or whatever thing they might have been thinking about. Yes. I remember, once you said that to me, “It's fucking amazing to be Amanda Popovski.” I just held that with me throughout the week, saying that to myself as well. “How is it true, Jenna, how is it true that it's fucking amazing to be Jenna Harrison?”

It's so good. I love these things you come up with, and they're so helpful. Thank you, Amanda, for sharing your wisdom and your time with us today. Know this will be so helpful for many people.

Amanda: Thank you so much for having me on. I really appreciate it.

Hey, if you want true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you, so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this.

Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn, from Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to TheUncommonWay.com/schedule and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach.

Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity First strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit TheUncommonWay.com. See you next time.

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