Ep #67: Revelations from the Clarity Collective Retreat with Amanda, Gabi, Ale, and Kat

Episode Summary

Jenna invites 4 clients onto the show to share insights from a recent retreat.

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Show Notes

The Clarity Collective Retreat was a resounding success, marked by outstanding achievements in a safe atmosphere. This week, my clients are reflecting on the significant insights gained, the quantum leaps taken, and their plans for moving forward.

I'm thrilled to introduce Amanda, a vibrant and insightful life coach hailing from Buffalo, New York; Gabi, an artist and designer based in Atlanta, Georgia, a fierce advocate for artists with an eye for the unconventional and extravagant; Ale, representing Charlotte, North Carolina, a wise guardian of knowledge and awakened orator; and last but not least, Kat from the Netherlands, the CEO of Convive Collective, a beacon of leadership in the mission to safeguard our world.

Discover what my retreat experiences have in store for you. Learn about the profound benefits of coaching within a supportive community, and understand the pivotal role that a secure environment plays in opening up to new opportunities and innovation. I invite you to tune in to the collective wisdom of this entrepreneurial sisterhood!


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • The importance of building rest into retreat experiences.

  • Some of the surprises from the retreat.

  • How safety allows innovative ideas to flow.

  • When to take quantum leaps.


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Full Episode Transcript:

Today I'm bringing on four clients who have experienced a massive uplevel in both clarity and ignition, that has primed their businesses for a quantum leap. We recorded this at the end of our recent Clarity Collective retreat in Mexico.

They have generously agreed to share their takeaways and insights in order to serve those of you who weren't able to come. Who knows, maybe because you've never even heard of me, and you're just listening to this a year from now. You will still receive so much value, and I'm so excited for you to be able to share in the wisdom that was generated.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top-ranked business coach, and reformed over-analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Hello, hello, welcome back to The Uncommon Way. I have such a special episode for you today. I'm joined by some of my clients to really bring out all of the wisdom and insights that we generated during our recent Clarity Collective retreat.

So, this is for you if you just get inspired and fascinated by women who bet on themselves, invest in themselves, treat themselves to things like this and really step into their power, and you want to marinate in that for the next half hour. Or if you want to absorb all the tips and ways of thinking that you can.

This is for you if you've ever thought about holding your own live event and you want to hear about what matters to the people who attend, and you want to expand your vision of what's possible. Or if you're just curious about what goes on at these things anyway.

Maybe you've been feeling a little jaded thinking that all live events are just another selling opportunity, and you want to expand your mind and see what else is true, what else might be true. Or you're just really curious about the Clarity Collective retreat, specifically.

Maybe you are thinking about coming on board with us. Whatever your interests, you are so welcome here, and you will be hearing about a very uncommon experience.

I've been to other retreats at high-end resorts that give you this opportunity to uplevel yourself concept, the way you see yourself, and really stretch your ability to receive more. I know those things are important for those of us socialized as women, who are taught to be humble, and to not ask for too much, and to put others ahead of ourselves and to deflect, deflect, deflect.

But one thing I knew on a gut level, and what was confirmed to be true in this retreat, is that when you're stretching yourself like that… Of course, so much is getting triggered for you when you stretch, right? Who am I to deserve this? Is this right and ethical? Who will I be if I become this? Will I alienate my friends and family? All sorts of things are getting kicked up.

And so, if you're in an environment where there's also a lot of stress and tight timelines, mental exhaustion, social anxiety, what you're doing is you're kicking up your nervous system even more, and therefore you're wiring in a lot of extra unsafeness around this luxury and the receiving. So, when things start to feel too good later on, those neurons start firing the danger signal and you back off.

One of the things that made the Clarity Collective retreat so different is that amidst this stretch in receiving and luxury and support, we built in so much safety and a very relaxed relationship with time. And other things that allowed us to condense about a year's worth of coaching into just a few days.

Because we were so open, we were so expansive, so tapped into our higher selves and our highest ability to think and intuit. The theme of the retreat was Creating Quantum Leaps, but we created one already. That kind of magic needs to be shared.

If you are tuning in here, I believe you're ready to receive at least some key part of it. Even if it's just to hear the tonality and the frequency of the way women are talking, and to believe on some deep level for yourself, through that vibration, that it is safe for you too.

So, we all agreed to create this for you with love, to share key takeaways and insights in the hope that they serve you. If you're new to these parts, first of all, welcome and strap in because you have stumbled into something very special.

You know, my clients were creating clarity around a new vision and really activating that, getting a plan in place to open the doors for that sooner rather than later. But I was actually stepping into a vision that I had created long ago and that I have been working towards diligently. To create an in person retreat of this type with these clients.

Simply put, I have created the most unique sisterhood. Women of the highest caliber that have put so much work into themselves to get to the point where they and their businesses are ready to ignite. This is a true coming together of powerhouse women who are creating a better world, and unique uncommon lives of their choosing, of course.

If you're hearing this, and there's a little voice of ‘less than’ kind of making itself heard in your mind, “Oh, I'm not quite ready for that. I wouldn't fit in at that level,” that's what some of these people used to think, too. So, if you are being called to join us, you should apply.

You and I will have a candid conversation about whether you are ready now, or whether there's something else that I can recommend for you in order to be able to fully take advantage of this space when you do join us. Because if you are being called chances are you have something that desperately wants to express and it's just waiting.

Speaking of my amazing clients, I want to take a moment and thank the sponsors of this podcast, which are my clients. Through their investments, we are able to create this. We don't have any ads, any sponsors, it comes directly from them, through me, to you. I'm so grateful for their support and for allowing me to broadcast and share this very important message with so many people we will never even know or speak to, but who need it.

Okay, what you're about to hear is a conversation that took place on our last night when we were debriefing with each other. We decided to just turn on the mic and capture it all in real time. So, you won't hear any introductions or anything, which is why I want to introduce them to you now. I'll introduce them in the order in which they come on and speak.

The first up is Amanda. She is our powerhouse quarter centenarian, in human years, who brings many lifetimes of wisdom in soul years. We had exactly a 25-year spread of age on this retreat, and she was representing the youngest. She could definitely hang and contribute.

She is a life coach currently based in Buffalo, New York, who helps women open their minds to what they really want to do, and how they want to be in life. Then actually do that, and manifest that. In the process they rewrite their relationships with their bodies, their cell phones, their relationships, and themselves.

Sound ambitious? Well, maybe for some people, but Amanda is the kind of woman you see featured in one of those “30 under 30” articles. She is positively effervescent. In fact, part of our problem right now, is that her day job keeps throwing money and responsibilities her way to try and distract her from her own business.

But we know that they won't succeed, because she has a big mission to fulfill and nothing's going to stop her. She is truly leading the way for the better world and the better human that we hope for in the younger generations that will inherit the world. Simply put, the world is inspired and renewed because of Amanda.

Next, you’ll hear from Gabi, who is an artist and designer currently based in Atlanta. She is here to disrupt the status quo and also help her clients disrupt. Her work is weird and bold and maximalist, and often elevating the everyday items that we overlook. It’s just very, very cool.

You have got to check out her shop, which we'll link to of course, in the show notes, and our Instagram too. Because her feed is everything you want in a visual platform like that, and from a cool best friend. She's an inspiration for many reasons.

Just one of those is that she's picking up the torch of super successful but highly conscious artists. Artists who feel the world is their oyster when it comes to the many ways to make and sell their art and design. Simply put, the world is more weird and beautiful because of Gabi.

You'll also hear from Ale who's a coach and true modern day sage, currently based in Charlotte, North Carolina. When she talks the world sits up and they listen and they pay attention. You'll see, you'll feel yourself do it. I guarantee you will find yourself waiting for the next time she's going to speak.

It's something that you'll have to wait for, and it's worth waiting for. Because she will sit back and watch and observe before speaking. But hearing from her, and I can only imagine being coached by her, is a privilege. It's these precious gems of wisdom that tumble from her lips. I personally am always grabbing my notebook and pen to immortalize her wisdom, which she sources from both ancient and modern traditions, and Source, of course.

She is the embodiment of a Projector… that's Human Design, for those of you catching the reference... and is really here to guide all of us Generators and Manifesting Generators. But she's also the nicest, most fun, most fashionable, and elegant girlfriend you'd ever hope to have. Simply put, the world is awakened and reconnected because of Ale.

Then you will hear from Kat. Her company, The Convive Collective, is currently based in the Netherlands. It helps philanthropies and foundations, and the people who founded them, make sure that their funds are being channeled in the most effective ways to create the most profound effects.

In so doing, they also help the organizations themselves transform in how they move through their work days, in how they treat their employees, and in how they disseminate information. It is a world of influence and impact and billionaire donors, who are on the front lines of the world's key change initiatives, including climate interventions.

Kat is an absolutely brilliant leader and guide, a master communicator and strategist, and is like a true north. She is a powerful guiding presence for ethics and morals. Simply put, the future is brighter and safer because of Kat.

All right, I hope that you enjoy this episode, as much as we enjoyed making it for you.

Jenna Harrison: All right, so let's talk about what we loved most. Or not even what we loved most, but what some of the highlights were that we want to reflect on about this time.

Amanda Popovski: I have to say that there is such a different energy meeting everyone in person. That was probably what I was most excited about. It's like I've known these people for years and years. We joked about the fact that typically, when you meet someone, you ask them what is your name? What do you do? But we already know so deeply about each other that we found, out on this retreat, “Oh, what's your boyfriend's name?”

Jenna: “What state do you live in?”

Amanda: Because we know this deep vulnerability about each other. So, to be in everyone's presence, hear their voices, be in the collective energy that Jenna facilitated so beautifully, that was really special to me.

Gabi Anderson: One of the things that I've been most pleasantly surprised about is the meditations and the stuff that's more woo, I guess, for lack of a better term. I really loved it. I was worried coming into the retreat that I would not be able to relate to that as much, and that I was maybe not as spiritual as the rest of the group. You guys are very amazingly intuitive and great at manifesting, and I feel like I am still learning that stuff.

The Cacao Ceremony was amazing. Everything that we've done, that's been more meditative, has consistently given me the same feedback and information, which has been really cool.

Jenna: That’s been crazy. All the people we've had to guide us have looked into you and said yes, we can do this now.

Gabi: Yeah. That's been very cool. I feel like I'm leaving this experience more spiritual, and kind of wanting to explore that more.

Jenna: I think it's so lucky how things turned out. Because part of the, I guess, vulnerability of bringing people to a retreat, where the wellness resort is hosting some of these experiences, I had to release control. So some of them, I didn't really fully know what they would be like.

I think it just worked out so perfectly that our very first experience was sort of the cleansing separation of all the energy we brought with us. So, that then we could move into our initiation of what we want to bring forth. Everything seemed to happen in just this perfect order for us to come up with the amazing vision of our futures.

Ale Garnica: That's exactly what I was thinking, because I felt like everything was perfect. Thinking, “Jenna would have planned it exactly this way.” I mean, it would have been perfect. Because also, every ceremony we did was kind of removing certain layers. The last one we did together, well, almost all of us were there, I think it was the deepest one, the constellation one.

So, I just feel like even when I saw you in person, I felt like I already met you. I think that everything, absolutely everything, the ones that the hotel provided, and also what you offered for us, Jenna, helped us get deeper and deeper and deeper and feel closer to each other. It has just created a lot of safety to really be ourselves, which I think is what I actually need the most to step into my higher self, and step into my best self, and my future self. You guys provided that.

It's all because everything was perfectly aligned. It shows how much really is in control, and can create perfect things.

Jenna: It's like it was peeling off the layers, or something, to allow what needed to come through in this thing. I believe so strongly that we all chose to be here, and not everyone in the collective chose to be here. Some had some legit scheduling issues. But others had just made a conscious decision not to join, which we completely respect.

But those of us that chose to be here, we're here to step into something that is next for us. We needed to be here to kick off that energy. I'm just curious, we did have amazing experiences that were helping to facilitate all that.

We also had some time where we were getting kind of nitty gritty, really meeting together in sessions, making plans, and asking deep questions to call out what we needed. What do you think, and be completely honest, what do you think about the balance of the time that we spent structuring those two… Not structuring, living into those two things?

Kat Haugh: In my opinion, and my experience of having gone on one self-facilitated retreat before coming on this one, the time to dream big and do the emotional processing and the clarity on what we want, is the most valuable thing about coming together in a space like this.

I think, like I articulated earlier, I have a little bit of how will I take this mega dream and reconcile it with the feelings that I have about my day to day and my business as it is? I think that's kind of for the next couple of days, and for the plane ride home, to figure out the steps.

I feel personally very grateful to have had this experience, and to also know that we get to take it forward in our coaching, me and Jenna, and in our group as well. I think that's really special, because I could imagine going on a retreat like this, maybe where you don't know anybody, you come for a cathartic incredible experience, and then you go home singular.

I really appreciate being like we've like blown our own minds. At least that's how I feel; blown the ceiling off. Now we get to kind of chart the way forward, and all of us are holding the threads for each other. Gabi had said on day one, this accountability of once it's vocalized, it's out there.

So, I guess I feel right about the balance. I still feel like, okay, what am I going to do now? But I trust, in the same way of kind of letting go control, that it will unfold as it should.

Gabi: Yeah, I think there's part of me that wishes it was a day longer or something. Wishes that we had tomorrow to maybe… Because I'm very plan oriented. Write a business plan, or literally write out a six-month plan, and kind of present that to everybody and get feedback to hold us accountable.

Jenna: Yeah. Well, I don't know if our listeners know, but we got together... Amanda, you weren't yet with us… but we got together and we brainstormed. It was very collaborative. Where do we want to go? How long do we want it to be? The truth is, we didn't know all the time. I think that's something to think about for the for the next one.

I think that's been a big theme, all the flow that we've allowed ourselves. We changed the schedule… Ale was like, “I really wanted to go to that experience.” We're like, “I was kind of curious about it, too.” So, we decided not to continue the session, then we went off and had this experience.

I was explaining earlier to the ladies that that was very intentional on my part because I wanted us to… Of course, we're in this place where we're just being so pampered and everything is taken care of for us, we have amazing meals whenever we wanted, food all around this.

I wanted that experience of deep safety for our souls, and our bodies then to relax enough to allow the magic to happen. I didn't think it would be possible if we were like, “Must stick to this schedule. No, you can't take the time now to go rest.” So, we needed that fluidity. I'm so grateful that all of you are down with that. Yeah.

Amanda: I love the intentionality that you put behind choosing this location Jenna. I don't know how much research you did, or if it was just like an intuitive hit, but for us to have access to literally being in the jungle, on the beach, well fed, well rested, having all of these heart opening transformations and experiences.

I don't think that I could have accessed this vision that feels so right for me, A, without the container that we're in. And B, without that day and a half beforehand of really relaxing and getting the best massage of my life, eating the best food, and just really taking care of myself and allowing myself to decompress.

Like we've talked about, the somatic experience of safety is what creates the ability for the universe to come in to you and to channel what you want. And so, I appreciate that, and the experience to treat myself as this like six-figure, seven-figure earner first, and then for that idea to really solidify. That was huge.

Kat: I could not agree more with that. I was going to say that also. A milestone, or a beautiful memory, was waking up on day one in this gorgeous bed and having the most like luxurious day ever, before we had our first session at three o'clock. I loved that. Even on the plane ride here, I was really stressed and really tired, because I had just moved and all this stuff. And, it just was erased.

By the time three o'clock rolled around, I was like, “Whoa, I feel like I'm a whole new person,” from the time in the space. That cannot be understated, because I think if I was in a different hotel or I had to work to get food or support or figure things out more, I might have come to the beginning of our ceremony in a more tired or frustrated energy.

But when I arrived, I felt totally relaxed. I now love all-inclusive places. I’ll be accompanying Ale, because she needs to be going too now, we've learned. This location was meant for us and was so perfect. And I love that it came from that first session, where you were like, “I'm thinking jungle. I’m thinking beach. I’m thinking ‘active’.” And that you found it was just so incredibly perfect.

Jenna: I think we should also touch on some other really fun things, right? Because right now, we're so zen-ed out y'all. I just have a feeling that people listening to this, back in their modern, real world lives, will be like, “They just sound like they've been smoking pot.” We really haven't.

There's no chemical enhancement right now, except for cacao. Except for chocolate. But there's also been a lot of fun. You all discovered a shared love of reggaeton, you're all out dancing coming back just drenched in sweat. The pictures are hilarious.

Amanda: The first night we went to dinner, and at this point we had done some of the work, but not the juicy work, and we just had the best girly time, talking about the music that we love, getting advice from each other. I feel like that's where the friendships really formed. That was so fun. So many inside jokes about Gabi's liquids.

Ale: Yeah, there were a lot of fun things like that. But I want to add something in regards to being pampered here, and also the food. Because as I was sharing with you earlier, I have not felt this good, like in terms of my digestion and all that. I also know that what we eat has a lot to do with how we connect with our higher self.

So, I really think that the food that is provided here helped also for us to really align with our higher self and bring this creativity and all these beautiful ideas to share with each other.

Also, I was wondering if I was going to feel awkward. Whenever I travel for work, I think, “I might meet my colleague at breakfast,” but I never felt like that. Whenever I saw you, like if we bumped into each other, or we saw each other at breakfast, I was like, “Oh, yeah.” I felt this warmth. “Yes, let's sit down and talk.” There wasn't any kind of corporate agenda behind it. It was so easy to interact with all of you, with each other. It was really, really beautiful.

Jenna: Isn't that really what every woman longs for, in a sense? That we all deserve to have a sisterhood, and to just be around people that love us and recognize us. We haven't done it yet, but we're going to close off with a recognition ceremony. Because we've learned so much about each other, and we've also intuited so much about each other, and we're just going to share that.

The person will take a turn receiving all of that love from all of us as we go around the circle, which I know will be very, very powerful. It's just all been leading up to that. To be seen in that way, is how we all should be living.

Kat: I even feel like though, the good vibes we've created and the warmth has helped me kind of feel like I'm even extending it to other hotel guests here. Like we kind of have created this warm cocoon that's reverberating out.

Even in some of the exercises where there's been other people there, I've looked at them and I give them a little heart. Like every person. That's such a nice feeling. I think that's supported by everybody here, also kind of smiling and being. But I just feel very loving towards perfect strangers, and I don't often feel that way in my day to day hustle and bustle. So, it's nice to just have that openness to people and that kind of loving vibe.

The other thing I wanted to say was, the permission that we gave each other to take alone time when we needed it. I feel like that has connected. Because I think, I sometimes get a little bit afraid in group settings because I'm like, “What if I need to be alone?” Because I need to spend a lot of time alone and I need a lot of rest, particularly these days.

Sometimes I feel like oh, what if I'm tired? Or what if I feel overwhelmed and I need to be by myself? I felt totally supported and comfortable to be, “I'm going to go take alone time.” I’m curious if you all felt that way, too? But I think that created, as much as we had this loving container, it was also porous and flexible. That we could be like, “Okay, we have the perfect amount of separateness and togetherness.” Which I really appreciated.

Ale: Yeah, totally agree. I didn't even feel bad about saying, “No, I’m not joining.” Or even with my food restrictions. Whenever I travel with someone, I'm like, “Oh, I don't want to be impertinent,” or whatever. With you, I feel like I can say, “Hey, I need to go and eat,” or whatever, and I know you're going to be totally okay with it.

Jenna: So, thinking back about the Gabi, Amanda, Ale, and Kat of three days ago, and now, how have you changed? What's changed for you? I know it's a big question. But where is your transformation? What are your insights?

Amanda: I feel like a lot of times in the hustle and bustle of our lives, especially as CEOs of our companies, we know that it's really important to take time to plan and dream. But very rarely, especially as women, do we give ourselves the permission to do that. Because of perfectionism and everything that we've covered.

For me, to not only take myself seriously enough to wine and dine myself, like I talked about, but to also receive the coaching of seeing my highest vision from a Master Life Coach, like you, Jenna, is so invaluable. I feel like I walked into this retreat knowing a certain level of my power, and this has just amplified it from like a 3 to a 10.

As we've discussed, I'm a bit nervous to reconcile, like you said Kat, my grand visions and my life back in Buffalo. I couldn't feel more supported or integrated by all of the questions and the ways that you've helped us facilitate and see our own awesomeness. Thank you for that, Jenna, from the bottom of my heart.

Jenna: I receive that, Amanda. It was like last night when the session finished, the day finished, you're like, “Who feels like they're ready to tip over a car?” That was such a great summary of the energy.

Because that was when we had spoken it. That's what when we had spoken it. We'd been clearing, we'd been downloading, and those were the sessions where we're saying, “What is it? What is it going to be? Can I speak this out loud, first in this group? And now, to our audience, in our own world, and our clients and our families.

Ale: So, what has changed for me, many things, many things. But one is how I'm going to dress. How I see myself, that has changed a lot. Another thing is, that I feel like I've healed. With all the activities that we've been doing from the hotel and with you, I feel like I've just healed so much that I can't even see how much it is. I feel at so much peace and so grounded and really, I can say empowered, because of all that healing process that happened.

The last thing is, I feel closer... Which is crazy, because I didn't think it was going to happen. But I feel closer to my ancestors because of everything that happened. I even see how my business is going to shift because of everything that I experienced here. It's something I never thought about.

This opened a window of possibilities and opportunities, because of what I experienced. I don't think I would have seen it if I wasn't here with you.

Jenna: Aren’t we lucky? Because we know Ale’s gold. That we played any small part in that...

Gabi: I think what shifted for me, is I just view my company very differently. I view it as this brand that is very cool, very high end, interesting, different and unique. Versus, before it was an agency/vessel for me just contracting with clients.

Now, I have this vision of making it my own and just putting my work out there. I think in that shift, I see it as a true company. Which is weird to say. Before, I think I just thought it’s me just kind of figuring stuff out and freelancing.

Jenna: Which I think so many people listening can relate to.

Gabi: Yeah.

Jenna: When does it grow up?

Gabi: Yeah, exactly. I see that grownup version of me in the future, now. I think with all the information I've been receiving, I have a lot more confidence to just kind of keep going, to just keep pushing through. Because I think as entrepreneurs, we can all relate to being scared and hitting walls with what we're doing.

I feel like I have so much more of the strength and conviction in what I'm doing, and to just keep doing it. Keep doing it, and thinking about how to do it more authentically.

Kat: I think what has changed for me is that I feel deeply rejuvenated on a cellular level. The food, the conversation, the sun, the spiritual work, the exercise, the yoga, that whole part of the experience, I feel like I've extended my lifetime by five years. We created a Blue Zone environment and they're going to study us later.

“Those women, I don't know what happened, but the five of them lived to be 130 yrs.” We're going to be like, “It was because that retreat, and then how we took it home with us.” I feel like I've been telling people, my friends and my partner, “I feel born anew. Because I feel so well rested, and so nourished from all of these experiences.”

That is so amazing. Because the level of clarity that is been possible to me on this retreat is directly connected to that; the restfulness, the sleep, the nourishment. I just feel like a new person. Actually, I feel like the snake imagery of shedding an old skin and being a new person. I feel really different after these past couple of days, my conception of myself, how powerful I see myself.

The role that you all played in me, still playing small in some moments, and you guys being like, “Kat, go bigger, go bigger, go even bigger.” And I'm like, “Oh, my God.” The power that I feel now, I feel like I'm walking around these halls with my shoulders held back. This presence that feels like it's coming from a greater good, and not from my ego of needing to prove or speak. But just more like, I have a higher purpose here.

It's like I can feel it already coursing through me, like something has shifted. So, it's the best feeling. I would have never anticipated it, and I'm just so grateful for that.

Jenna: Kat showed up to the session today and she's like, “I've got to tell you what's been coming to me. I wasn't expecting this, but here we go.” And all of us were just like, “Yeah, makes sense.”

Ale: All there are quantum leaps, everything that we've talked about. Quantum leaps.

Kat: I would say, on quantum leaps, having that as a theme was really helpful. I even made our WhatsApp group, the Clarity Collective does quantum leaps. Because I was like, “It's happening.” That theme, and even you opening with that was really game changing for me. Because I felt myself being like, “I didn't know that. That historically, we do quantum leaps.”

And even just this, I'm moving my hands, showing how quantum leaps, on a chart, has helped me a lot to be like, it is possible to completely unlock something. That translates to business, because then I think about it for all of us. Like, one relationship, one speaking engagement, one product design, and what that could unlock, also with wealth. I loved that theme, and I felt like opening with it was really helpful.

Jenna: Thank you. I think that it is a theme, especially in the coaching space that can be overplayed, or it can be kind of mystified or magicalized, if that's a word. And so, you saying that, I will do a podcast episode on some of the structure and the insights both that we had, so that people can understand what we're talking about, when we are talking about how much we've changed.

Gabi: That theme, I agree. I love that it was set up for us because that also built on my confidence to keep moving. Because it's like you just keep taking steps, and then one day the step is that huge change. So yeah, it builds on the hope, I think, of the work.

Amanda: And we totally, on day two, we already quantum leaped, I feel. Quantum leapt in our own sense of self-belief, and any Manifester knows that you have to believe it before you see it. Right? And so, I feel like this retreat alone, even just booking in, was a huge leap for me.

And so, to actually be here and to rejuvenate, that was a quantum leap. Then everything we talked about is a quantum leap. And I'm sure that at the receiving ceremony, something you guys say will unlock something in me. And, it's so powerful. I didn't know that there was a strategy to quantum leaping until you showed it to us.

I feel like we've all leapt like little leapfrogs, every single day, every hour, becoming who were meant to be.

Jenna: Huge and blowing our minds. There's always been attention for me with you all, because I can see the golden you and I can see a possible future. I need to always make sure that I need to be enough of a supporter and I need to be able to call it out, but not drag you along to a future that A, you're not ready for. B, you don't want. C, as my own human, who knows what baggage I might impose.

The beauty of this, in this group, is that I could just kind of sit back and it just all unfolded, you did it for each other. You did it for yourselves. And I just kind of sat back nodding. Just one little thing here and there. But you all were like, “I'm going!” And when you weren't going big enough, then the rest of the group was like, “You're not going big enough.”

Kat: Yeah, I have to say that was very special. We were talking about it just before we started recording the podcast, that we ended up being each other's coaches, too. I feel like we, even in being each other's coaches, were like teachers to ourselves, too.

Because even some of the things that I was saying to you all, and feeling like I was using my gifts, or my downloads and all, acting into this next level version of me already on this retreat, was very servicing of me too. I feel like we all kind of took your wisdom and it felt like something from you, a gift that we then shared with each other.

I could imagine in a different setting kind of not wanting that, and being like, “Wait, I want Jenna. I want coaching from Jenna.” And this time, I was like, “No, I want, I need to hear what everybody has to say.” I don't know how that magic happens, but I think that was crazy useful.

I also wanted to say that I feel very special that we are the pioneers of the first Clarity Collective retreat. That makes it 10 times as special somehow, to me. I feel like, “Oh my gosh, this is the first of hopefully many, in this generation, that's going to be coming.”

Jenna: How many more women can step into that clarity, that power, and support each other? Because I know so many times… and I think of you Amanda, who was offered to be CEO of a company. Everyone on that call was like, “I'm not feeling it.” Do you know in how many spaces would people 100% channel and know a person's alignment, and see their truth, and support their truth, rather than seeing the best thing on the paper.

If more women in the world can do this, and be supported to do this, and be in a safe space where they can even speak these things that before would have been like, “Oh, who are you to say that? Don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself? Oh, sit here, little lady. I'll show you how it’s really done.” So many of the things that we've been patterned with and conditioned with.

What can happen if we bring in even one more woman, two more women, five more women? What will they create? Because I'm getting shivers thinking of each of your individual businesses. And yes, Gabi so much you, what your role is, and how you will touch everyone, and the change that you will make, Kat.

The deep work that you are here to speak to, Ale. The wisdom that you have to channel. Right. And Amanda, oh, my God, is just beginning. That's the thing, we've talked, we all know, but we've scratched the surface with Amanda. Yes, she has big dreams and we're supporting her. But I mean, we were only looking at five years. What's Amanda in 15 and 20? I mean, we’re all going to say, “We knew her when.”

Kat: It’s wild. Yeah.

Jenna: Anyway, sorry. Tangent. Sorry, I was just feeling the flow. But from this small room right now, we're sitting in the small room, the way that we will touch and change lives and change worlds. And that's just us. Imagine more and more women stepping into their truth, living their uncommon way. What is going to be created in the world?

Gabi: Yeah, something about what you just said reminded me of… I feel like the positivity in this group is so infectious and very helpful. I think sometimes, with success, there can be other people being jealous or sort of acting like there's not space for all of us to be successful. I just feel very supported, and we all feel very strongly that we can all build wealth and be super successful, which is really powerful.

Jenna: If that's part of our uncommon way, we can have it.

Kat: I even see us contributing to each other's wealth. Being like, “Oh, I'm going to make connections. I'm going to buy products, and things like that. That felt really cool to be like, “Yes, there's more than enough space for all of us to… Just because I have it doesn't mean you don't have it,” or vice versa.

It's not like a pie that you everybody takes a piece. It's like we can all have it. It's abundance math. It doesn't really make sense, but it is what it is. Also that we’ll be contributing to each other's acquisition and cultivation of wealth felt really cool.

I also wanted to say something about the group size. I felt that this group size was perfect. I think that if it were bigger, I might have struggled to feel that I had enough space to do my whole spiel, and the coaching, and the hot seat, and also to get to know everybody intimately. I felt that that was really, really special.

I think it could have also been nice... I'm picturing somebody sitting there, and somebody sitting there, and be like, “Yeah… Hey…” It will would have been different. Beautiful in a different way. But I really appreciate the intimacy of our group. It felt like we didn't have subgroups, if that makes sense.

I think, sometimes when you reach six and above, you start to break. Which is fine, that's just human connection. But it really felt like we were one entity the whole time. And that feels very special.

Gabi: I do really like the group size, too. I was thinking about that. I'm a big fan of odd numbers. It feels magical to me that we are an odd number. I think for me, in small group, the conversation is so much better facilitated. When it's a large group, I get very distracted by other conversations. It’s hard for me to think.

There are other life coach schools here, and they feel like… In meeting those people, they're very nice. But it feels more preachy. Kind of like, “We're going to have these speeches,” and it's not going to be in this sort of dialogue and back and forth. I just appreciate that I’m not being sold to here. There’s this dialogue, and it’s very powerful to me.

Jenna: Yeah. I think it's a great point. Amanda, you'd brought it up too. You’re like, a lot of the retreats, it’s just where you go get sold the next thing.

Gabi: Like a pyramid scheme, or something.

Jenna: I was like, there will be no selling going on at this retreat. There's also no charge for the retreat. Because the sole purpose… Of course, I want to help my clients amplify and think bigger and have a space to create a long term vision. But the purpose for me, in creating this community, is to bring everyone together in person so that you can all really develop those bonds that will facilitate your business, like Kat was saying. So, that is like, goal accomplished.

Speaking to the larger groups, I'll be honest, it is something that I think about a lot. I do, as you all know, I sell on this podcast that this is a boutique container. That's something very special about the Clarity Accelerator. And I just want you all to know, that as it grows, it is my job, my job, to find a way for it to still be powerful and magical and feel good.

I don't know exactly how that will happen. I'll probably fail at some points along the way, to be continued, right? But that's my work, and I would never want you all to worry or doubt me because I'm powerful too, like you all are. And that is exactly where I'm going now.

Because we need more women stepping into it. And so, I haven't figured out all the details. But there's got to be room maybe for both, or we do have smaller retreats. I'm not sure. And of course, I'm always open to further downloads, and for any of you listeners as well, as they come along. It's like how do we hold both?

Kat: You have such a strong vibe check, I would say, of knowing, of bringing people together, that I have full trust and confidence in who you are like selecting to be part of your team. I'm excited to learn from them and learn from you, and new configurations through different people. I think that's going to be so cool.

Also, I feel so grateful for your generosity in having this trip and your coaching be cost free. I think that made it accessible to all of us to be here. When you told us that on the first call, I was like, “That is so generous.” And I feel very, very grateful for that, so thank you.

Jenna: I receive that. Any last words, ladies, that you want to digest for yourself or for listeners to know?

Ale: Well, I just want to add that this is a very diverse group too. Diversity brings richness. Because we're from different businesses, different ages, as well. We are based in different places, as well. Different countries, and even different languages. I think that has made the experience even more beautiful and more rich.

Also I kind of see the perspective of each one of us. Like, two of us are coaches, and then the others are two different businesses. But to just listen to those perspectives are amazing. It's amazing because it opens also different points of view and different ways to see our own business, if that makes sense.

Hey, if you want true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you, so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this.

Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn, from Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to TheUncommonWay.com/schedule and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach.

Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity First Strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit TheUncommonWay.com. See you next time.

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