Ep #75: What Is the Clarity Accelerator?

Episode Summary

Jenna deep dives into the details of her Clarity Accelerator program and VIP coaching.

Join us in the Clarity Accelerator by scheduling a call here.

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Interested in one of the three incredible bonus sessions mentioned in this episode? Sign up for VIP private coaching or the Clarity Accelerator before December 15th, 2023, to get them! All you have to do is click here to book a call with me to get started.


Show Notes

If you’ve been wondering about my Clarity Accelerator program or VIP coaching, then this episode is for you. I share details on the changes happening within the programs, along with the philosophy, features, flow, size, and pricing for them. The Clarity Accelerator and VIP coaching are for entrepreneurs at any level, but more importantly, for entrepreneurs wanting energetic alignment and clarity in their business.

Tune in to learn three simple tools that are necessary for a purpose-driven, profit-focused business and the simple truth behind every success story. Additionally, I have a surprise within this episode on the new way of working through the Clarity Accelerator program.

Clarity is about surfacing what is already within you. Schedule a call to see if my programs are the right fit for you and your business goals.


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • The philosophy, features, flow, size, time commitment, pricing, and results of the Clarity Accelerator and VIP coaching programs.

  • A better understanding of my approach to coaching.

  • The simple truth behind every successful business.

  • How energetics and clarity can support your business.

  • My new approach for clients working through the Clarity Accelerator program.


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Full Episode Transcript:

What exactly is the Clarity Accelerator? I mean, the name is intriguing but what is it exactly, and do I really need it? How will my business change if I'm more clear and certain? Is it even for me? Do I have to be a brand-new entrepreneur, or is it only for people who already have established businesses? Tell me all the things.

Okay, okay, that is exactly what I'm going to do in this episode. I will give you full details about the Accelerator, as well as a change that we're making to it that I know will have some of you doing a happy dance around your kitchen. And since we're at it, I'm going to tell you about my private offer too.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top-ranked business coach and reformed over-analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Hey, everyone, welcome to this special weekday edition of The Uncommon Way podcast. Wow, there is some major momentum around here. We have already gotten a response from the special end-of-year offers we shared in the last episode. I believe that's partly because you all are really hungry for these kinds of offers.

But also, because these offers are hungry for you. They're hungry to get to the women that need them, because they're that good. Truthfully, I feel like they were given to me, like I downloaded them from somewhere.

So, if you didn't get to listen to our last episode yet, pull that one up after this one.

Okay, this episode is for those of you that want to hear more about the two offers we have here at The Uncommon Way, the Clarity Accelerator and VIP private coaching. Maybe you haven't been with us that long or maybe you just want a refresher, but I'll give you very comprehensive details, including the philosophy behind the program, the features, the flow of what I'll be teaching you, how large the program is, and current pricing.

And I've also got a surprise, some special news. I'll be sharing a completely new way of working through the Clarity Accelerator. I know that some of you have been dying for this because you've actually told me. You've asked for it, and I listened.

Now, these programs are very comprehensive business building programs. They're meant to give you everything you need, all the way down from the nitty-gritty, in-the-weeds kind of tactics, plus the mindset, plus the energetics, plus helping you through a somatic lens; which just means we calm your nervous system down so you can enjoy this all more. So, you can experience higher-level thinking, have the resilience to go out and take risks, receive more, and not self-sabotage.

That sounds like a lot, and frankly, it would be easier for me to sell one little sliver of this, wrap it up in a tiny bow and niche down, and become known for ‘I am the woman who X.’

But you all, I have been doing this for a long time. I know that we need all of this in order to succeed, and I know that there are so many of you that feel exactly the same way I do.

I remember when I was first in business, for me, I thought it was all about the tactics. Then my coach told me there was probably some mindset issues going on, as well. When I started working with a mindset coach, I realized how much I was really the one holding my business back. I started to see amazing change.

But after that, I started to realize there was another component as well, and then another. And so, I really wanted to continue my growth in all of these areas, but it required me hiring several different coaches for that. It was frustrating, because I would always get to a point in my conversation with that coach where I knew the tactics had taken me so far, but I knew there were these other things at play, too.

But the coach was kind of like, “Well, I don't know.” They would stick with what they knew. We would reach kind of an impasse. And I, myself, like to be in an environment where I can talk about any and all things with my coach, and my coach is down; they get it. It took me years to find that, five years maybe, to find that.

I know building a business for women is the biggest personal development journey ever. It's not that business is so difficult or complex, it's actually very simple; you're providing a solution for people. But because of our human brains and how we've been brought up, it feels very challenging for us to do the things; to step out in that way, to claim our expertise, to get over our imposter syndrome.

To clarify our thoughts, for really big picture thinkers, we just need help sifting through all of these ideas when we are so in them, we're in our heads. So, everything included in here is extremely intentional. Every single detail is what helps my clients get the best results; after all of the years I've spent with them in trial and error.

But I don't want you to get overwhelmed by all of that. I really don't want you to get bogged down in the details. I want you to trust that everything you need is here, and I've got your back. If there were ever a situation where you needed additional help, I would be happy to hop on another call with you. We're making sure that you are absorbing this information, understanding it, and can utilize it.

So, right now, when I'm talking, I'm going to keep everything as simple as possible, as clean as possible, and then you can ask me whatever you want later, if you feel you need to. All right?

Both of these offers are a combination of group mastermind style coaching, of a group mastermind style experience, and private one-to-one coaching. Again, in my experience, that is what works best to help people get results.

Both of them are open to entrepreneurs at any level. Because no matter what level we're at in business, we always need additional help with getting clear on what's involved in taking our business to the next level. We always need coaching and mindset help. We always need help with opening energetically to our next level.

Both are the same time commitment. They are both six months. Because, c’mon on you all, any change requires a concerted effort and a commitment to first learn the change, practice the change, and integrate the change. I'm not here to help anyone go out and just still be a shit show. I want to make sure that everyone comes into these programs one way and leaves as a completely different person.

Now, with both of the offers you'll be interacting with the same women, there's no lower level and higher level echelons. No, we are in this together. This is the beauty of the program. People are always starting at different times. People are different levels of their business. You're learning from all sorts of people that are further ahead of you in business.

But you're also learning from people who are further ahead of you in life, or in some certain type of wisdom or understanding or marketing. That's why everyone has just as much to contribute. It doesn't matter how long we've been in business and where we've been able to go, we all have gifts.

That's part of the ethos of what we're doing here, is helping you really sink into those gifts and believe in those gifts, no matter what the results of your business look like in this particular moment. Because we're all growing very important, impactful, highly successful businesses. We're just at different points in our timeline. It doesn't mean we have any less to offer our mastermind sisters.

So, really, the difference between the two programs is that the VIP private coaching offers more private calls. Those may be every week for 45 minutes, but it's very bespoke. So, if you're the person that would prefer to meet every two weeks for a certain amount of time, that's great. If you want to meet every month for a VIP day, that's fine as well.

I only have about five private clients at any one time, so it's very much tailored to you. Some clients come in and they're really not feeling unclear, they just want the best mindset coaching money can buy as they grow into their next level. And, they very much want it to be done their way. They don't want to cookie-cutter their business into anybody else's framework. They want to know what's next for them, and what the expression is in them that is coming out.

With these clients we also talk through Voxer, back and forth. It helps them know they have a coach in their pocket. And anytime something is coming up in that moment they can get it out of their head and over to me, and then I respond to those messages on Mondays and Thursdays.

Of course, these women also want the support of a community, because don't we all in this very scattered and fractured day and age when you're growing a business?

Maybe not everyone around you is growing a business. Or they don't have the same way of thinking about business. Or they don't really want that very different and unique expression of themselves. Or they're more single focused on just tactics or just mindset.

So, the women that come in really want to be challenged and inspired by other very driven women. This is a very highly curated group of the most amazing, fun, caring, like-minded women, who also want to be wildly successful in business, but still have a life too.

They want to have other people they can lean on. They want to have other people they know have already been through this, so that they can shorten their timeline and learn more quickly from their hard knocks. They want to watch other people getting coached and know that they're not the only ones thinking that way. Or they're recognizing things they never even thought of.

They really want to help their brain believe that all of this is possible for them. They're not just out there alone, floating on the sea with these big ideas in their head. But there are other women, who also are visionaries, that are putting their dreams into action.

Honestly, I have not seen another group like this, with these kinds of women. I am very ‘Mama Tiger’ about the group. The energy of this group and the experience of this group is far more important to me than maximizing my revenue in any given year.

For every woman I invite in, there are two to three that, I believe, aren't in a place to really get the most of this yet, for a variety of reasons. And so, they're not invited in at this time. That's really a win-win, because I never make an offer to someone who I believe won't get great results.

So, if someone hops on the phone with me, they know I'm going to have their best interest at heart, that I'm going to be very candid with them and very straight up, as I hope they are with me. And if I see that they're at a place where we can all do amazing things together, great.

But if I see there some room for growth and if they just work on this thing then they'll be able to get so much greater results later on, then I'm going to tell them and point them in the right direction. Maybe at some other program or some other coach, and encourage them to come back later.

So, if you're not sure about whether you would be getting the best results from this program, then I just recommend you schedule a call. We'll have a candid conversation so that you at least will know your next best steps, from someone who has helped hundreds of women with their businesses and has that bird's-eye view.

This amazing group meets every two weeks for a call. There are true hot seats in this moment. Someone brings an issue that they're having in their business, and have everybody's amazing brains working on your specific business, focused on your business. At that time, of course, I'll add my two cents in as well. But this is very much the power of the collective, the power of the group.

Also, on those calls, I'll often throw in a new training or workshop. Either something that I've just learned, or something that I see is kind of a theme going on with my clients that I really want to address and help them with.

People will also have smaller meetups. They will meet together to either peer-coach or to support each other or to learn from each other. So, it's designed to give you the support that you are desiring as you move your business from where it has been to that next bigger level.

The price for that offer is $25,000.

Now, let's talk about the Clarity Accelerator, which is our mastermind program that also offers one-to-one support. It's priced like most other masterminds. The price changes, and I do not follow any specific logic with this. It's very much my intuitive hit about when we're raising prices. But currently, it’s in the very low five figures, like any other mastermind.

Which is crazy, because like I said before, the caliber of women you'll be interacting with, the one-to-one component, the type of coaching and education you'll get, the fact that there are no other offers out there like this, the clarity and confidence and decisiveness you'll walk away with, and also just because of the intimate size of this group.

If I'm giving full length one-to-one calls to all the members, we have to keep it small. So, this is not the kind of group you get lost in. It's really like semi-private classes with a personal trainer. Where it's just you and a few of your best friends, rather than some big, sweat filled mega-class where you can kind of see the instructor up at the front and no one's really going to know if you're there or not there.

No, I will know the ins and outs of your business. I'll know the way your mind works. And your mastermind sisters are going to know you, too. So, don't be surprised if later, in our private chat that we have set up in our group, you get a note from someone who just had an idea for you. They just had a download and wanted to share it, because it seems like so you.

Again, we meet weekly, this time in the group format. But since it's so intimate, and because people choose different calls to come to, we tend to have anywhere from about two to six people or so on any given call. Then, we have the larger group calls that I mentioned before, every two weeks, with the hot seats and the workshops.

Now, the Clarity Accelerator has a very specific promise. It's designed to get you clear on what you really offer, how to articulate the value of it to the right people, and to actually believe it. There's a lot packed into that sentence, and we are going to unpack it.

But first and foremost, you've got to know that this is for people at every level of business. Again, if you are feeling unclear in any way, I recommend you start with this, just because it's such an amazing value and use of your time. Some of my clients do choose to move into the private coaching later on.

I've met so many multiple-six- and seven-figure entrepreneurs, that when we are together, they’re admitting that when they're not on display, when they're not on show, behind the scenes, they’re admitting, “I'm just not sure if I should be targeting these people. I'm not sure if I'm really communicating my value. …if this is really what people want.”

There's so much uncertainty and a lack of clarity going on that it is drastically impacting their business. Because, of course, they don't quite know what to believe in. And if they can't believe in it, if they don't have that conviction, then that always filters through into their messaging in wacky ways.

So, this is designed to get you into that certainty, that alignment, where all the pieces connect, all the dots connect, you know exactly what you're doing, and you can talk about it concisely.

If you're a newer entrepreneur, this is designed to give you the foundation that's really strong. So that, as you start to implement and as your business takes off and grows more quickly, you don't have to limp along with this limited belief or these uncertainties that are affecting your business in so many ways.

If this happens at the beginning of your business, maybe it's a month without a $3,000 or $4,000. But later on, when you're a multiple-six or seven figures, this is having drastic ramifications in your business. So, we want to clear this up sooner rather than later.

And really, as I've said on other episodes, anything in our business always comes down to some lack of clarity. This is the work that we all need to be doing as we move into the next level. It's not something we can just sweep under the rug.

Next, you're probably wondering, “Well, how do you do that? How do I know that I will get clear? Are you just going to give me a bunch of worksheets where I have to write down who is my ICA, what do I want to offer? I can do that on my own, I don't need a program to have me write down things that I'm already unclear about.”

So, there are actually worksheets for people that love worksheets and love the structure. Over and over again, people tell me they love the structure of this. But there's also a very unique proprietary process for clarity that I developed myself, after having gone through two decades of confusion and uncertainty.

The process that I was able to apply to create clarity, purpose-based aligned clarity for myself, that really connected all the dots in my life. The process I was able to use for that, it turns out can be used for so many other parts of your business as well. I teach you all of that within the Clarity Accelerator.

There is a curriculum portion to the Clarity Accelerator, and there's also an application portion of the Clarity Accelerator. In the curriculum, we're going to be focusing on the three simple keys that are necessary for a purpose-driven, profit-focused business. This is the ‘how can it be so simple’ truth of what's behind every massively successful service business, whether they know it or not.

The first thing is, that you have to know yourself. You have to know your secret sauce. You have to know what you're really about. Otherwise, you're going to be ping-ponging through every shiny object and doubting yourself and backtracking and losing momentum and trying all different things.

You're also not going to be able to sell, if you're a person of integrity; which we all are, right? We really tend to get hung up if our belief isn't there to support us in our selling. So, you need to know yourself.

And then, you need to know your people really well. I've mentioned this in a podcast, too. But I remember, just within the last couple months, sitting on a call with a multiple-six-figure earner who had launched a new offer, and she was really distressed because this offer wasn't selling. She thought she was great at business so she would just launch this new offer.

In the course of the call, she told us about why this offer was so great for her clients, why it would be so good for them, and why it was exactly what they needed. She was just so confused over the fact that it wasn't selling.

But I knew exactly why it wasn't selling. It wasn't selling, because although she could speak with clarity about why she believed it was a great offer, she couldn't give me clarity on why her clients would believe it was a great offer. Why they would think this was the solution for them. Why they would want this more than anything. Why they think it will create such different results.

If you don't know exactly how your people think about their problem and their solution, there's always going to be a disconnect. There's not going to be any way for you to create this amazing offer, that is a no-brainer for them and unlike anything else that they've ever seen on the market, and no one else is selling anything like this; you can't do that without this second piece.

Once you have those two things, once you really know yourself, your secret sauce, what you're about, and you really know your people and what they're desiring and what helps them feel motivated and safe to move forward. Then, the third thing is you just need to talk about the connection between those first two things, you and your people. You need to talk about that in a very succinct and clear way that makes it easy for them to say yes.

I'll break this down a little bit more, but just to let you know, each module begins with a mindset section to address the most common blocks and misconceptions that tend to come up, so you don't get stuck along the way.

You'll learn to build belief even when you have zero evidence, to reprogram unhelpful conditioning, and to uncover the blocks that are in the way that you can't even identify, so you can finally break the patterns that are keeping you trapped in cycles and situations that just don't serve you.

There are quite a lot of resources in this program, and that's because when I was building my business I was very frustrated by the fact that certain information was withheld from me. It was deemed that I wasn't ready for it, yet. And then, I'd get further along in my business, I’d be given this information, and I’d just think, “Well, that would have been really helpful to know six months ago,” right?

I don't believe in doing that. I believe in giving my clients access to everything they need. And so, everything is broken down in terms of the Essentials and then the Recommended. So, if you are running a business, if you are short on time, if you're working a full-time job, whatever your situation is, you get to tailor this to you.

The work is always there, you can always go back to it. But if you just want to make sure that you hit the major points, there's that roadmap for you. If you want the more in-depth experience, then there's the roadmap for you.

After each phase of these three phases, roughly, you'll have a one-to-one call to help you dial in what you've uncovered. Again, we're also talking weekly. We also have a shared Google Drive to share information. But then, we'll have this one-to-one call, so that you are feeling very assured that you've captured everything that you need to capture, and understood everything that you need to understand, and are applying this to your specific situation.

After the first phase of clarity; of really connecting your dots, knowing yourself, uncovering your secret sauce; you and I will meet. After the second phase of really knowing your people and their language, and again, I'll show you how to capture this, how to ask them the right questions, you will have a call with a professional copywriter.

And after the final section, when we really want to dial in your messaging and your sales process; what are the anecdotes that your people need to understand? How are you going to express this? Is there a certain framework or way you're going to talk about it? Then, you and I will meet again.

We'll also have a call in the second half of your program, when you're in the implementation of all of this. Because we'll have better knowledge about your clients by that point, and you'll have more questions that have come up as you're growing your business.

Alright, so let's break down, for those of you that are interested, the first phase, that know yourself phase, what are we really doing in it? The feedback I've gotten from this module is, “Oh, my gosh, I knew all of this, I just wasn't putting it together. I just hadn't been able to say it in that way.”

I've heard people say, “I never even believed in purpose. But now, after doing this work, I can see so clearly how the dots of my life connect, how I have been so primed for doing this thing, how everything about me, my wiring, my experiences, have led me to this. I can't not do this thing.”

I also hear, “These people, my clients, they need to work with me and they want to.” Understanding why what you have is so desirable to your people, and so unique.

So, we begin by identifying this ‘north star’ of your business, the big “why,” what you're really doing in the world, using this proprietary process that I mentioned. That really shows you how your clarity has been showing up for you your whole life. Because it has, it's just that you've been too close to see it, right? Or maybe a part of your brain would rather have you not see it. But it's all there.

In understanding it, it will guide every other decision you make in your business. As you get to a fork in the road, you'll think, “Well, I could go with this group of clients or I could go with that group of clients.” You will be able to ask yourself, which of these choices most effectively brings this vision to life?

So often, you won't necessarily like the answer because it's the scarier choice. But you'll see the alignment of that decision and how really, there's no other way. Our work is just to get your brain on board with it, to move into what your knowingness has revealed.

Next, I'll help you identify your secret sauce or your superpowers, and understand why that is so valuable and desirable to your people. So, you can show up like you're the answer to their prayers. Because you are. This is essential, because no matter how called you feel to making the change you want to make in the world, if you don't believe you're the one to help your people with it, you'll never be able to sell it.

I see this over and over. People at all different levels in business comparing themselves to other entrepreneurs, and deep down thinking that their clients would be better served with those people instead of them. I am here to break that thinking forever.

Then, we'll continue connecting the dots. This time to your best fit, ideal clients. You will land on a group of people… Again, I'll show you the process for this. It is not the typical way you've been taught to think about it… But we'll land on a group of people that you're excited about testing.

Next, clarity is an evolution, and it might be that after you work with a few people you realize that you need to pivot to another point in their timeline, for instance. This is what so many people don't understand. They will choose a niche, often based on demographics, and then they'll be bending over backwards to try and conform to what those people want.

Or they'll be taking their feedback and thinking they need to lower their price. They'll say, “My people just don't want this,” which sometimes is true, but that is a very, very rare case. Usually, what's really going on is that is not their people, that group is not their people.

And instead of focusing their attention and their messaging on this group of people, that thinks in this very specific way, they're wasting their time with people who aren't really meant to be their clients.

This phase is so important for helping you dial this in for yourself. Because once you know how to do this, you will always be able to replicate the steps if you ever want to; when you're rolling out a new offer or when you're pivoting your niche.

As you evolve, often our work evolves as well. And you'll already have the lived experience of tuning in to this for yourself. Understanding what feels like resonance between you and your clients, and where that’s slightly off. Being able to trust and lean in to you receiving better and better clients, better fit clients, and a better experience for yourself in your work.

We wrap up this phase by diving into the specific aspects of your Human Design Chart. To really illuminate your work in the world. What attracts your clients to you. How you best generate wealth. Some of my clients do not choose to do this work, and that is okay. Up until two years into my business, I was completely anti-woo. I did not see the intersection of spirituality in my business.

But for those who are at least open to it, even just to learn what resonates and what doesn't resonate, most of them have said it's an uncanny reflection of what they have already uncovered in the first bit of their work with me. That doing so really helps them feel validated, feel like they're on the right track, or feel like they have the permission to go forward.

Whereas, they might not have believed that if they just gotten a printout with their chart. But now that they've done the work and uncovered it for themselves, their heart of hearts, they see it reflected back to them in this way. It is a game changer. It helps them stop performing and trying to be something they're not, and really understand that their gifts are liquid gold.

All right, from that strong foundation of self-knowledge and clarity, we move in to knowing your people. This is probably what 85% of coaches in particular, but also service entrepreneurs, skip. It is why I have brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars from Google alone, from people that had never heard of me but booked a call once they read my site.

There was really very little nurturing. It was, ‘I see this, I want this, I am buying this.’ So, I want to teach you how to get to know your people like the back of your hand, both how they think and how they talk. And even how they don't think and how they don't talk, because that's equally important.

When you do, you will see that they are actually telling you exactly what they want in an offer, and exactly how to call them in. So that you don't have to do the heavy lifting you've probably been doing in your journals, writing out a million different ways to say things, because they're presenting it to you.

Now, that work can take a couple of weeks. So, I use this period for you to learn about energetics in a way that I wish I had understood when I was starting out. You'll learn how to think big and create abundance by working with the flow of the Universe and your particular way of receiving.

It's as if there is a water hose with abundance flowing towards us, and the Universe really wants to give us as much as we can take. And yet, we pinch the hose. It's just a little too much. And so, we end up pinching it.

Whether the language of energetics is speaking to you, or you prefer to think of it as, we have psychological set points that keep us from moving into certain levels, because on some level we think we don't deserve it. Or we've been told that's not for us. Or it just seems out of our comfort zone. We're pinching that hose.

When you learn to move with trust and calm, you're in a completely different energy, a far less attached dynamic, and your audience picks up on it. And now that you understand your people and what they're asking for, we just have to package your offer simply.

This is what we're doing in Module seven, where we're working on the second part of your secret sauce. The first part was all about you. The second part is the secret sauce of your offer. It's your USP (unique selling point). It's what creates a blue ocean for you and really makes you stand apart.

This is where we construct the offer. It's where we build your belief and understanding about why your way of helping them through their transformation, or through to the solution that they want, is so valuable and so different than anything else out there. It's okay to lean into that and not try to conform to what the market is currently seeing.

I have a client right now who is just blowing the lid off of her industry. Her offer is so different and it's so much higher priced than anyone's used to paying for. I just gave her the example of the coaching industry. There was a time when people only worked with therapists, there were no coaches.

Then, coaches came along and said, “Actually, we have a completely different offer. This is the price for this type of solution that we're offering.” It was a little jarring at first. But of course, it was the fuel that has allowed a whole generation of new entrepreneurs, and a new lifestyle, to really be born into this world. Let alone, personal improvement on every level.

So, this is where we really eliminate the whole idea of competition, and we create something completely uncommon and unique. Again, after this phase, that's when you will meet with your copywriter.

The final phase, phase three, that's where we talk about the actual messaging. How are we going to talk about this thing? It's clear in our head now. We know what we're doing and why we're doing it. We know who our people are. We know how they think. But how are we actually going to talk about it?

This is when a former client of mine said, “Goodbye not knowing what to write or say, or feeling like nothing's landing.” Clarity gives you that confidence. You know you're connecting. So, in module eight, I walk you through the process of creating subconscious and conscious resonance, very tactically.

Conscious resonance is, for instance, with my business, when somebody says, “I know that because I'm not clear, I'm not moving forward. I know that I'm getting in my own way, and I really want to feel confident and decisive.” Because my website speaks to that, they're like, “Oh, good, that's what I was looking for.”

But there's something else as well, and that is the subconscious resonance. For me, it's The Uncommon Way. My people really don't want the cookie-cutter business. They want to create this thing that is different, that is really about an expression of them, and they want to do it their way. All of that kind of language, if you go to my site, and especially the Work with Me page, it's all peppered in there. It's sprinkled in there.

So that, yes, their conscious mind is finding what it needs, but also their subconscious. Their deeper yearning, their visionary, is finding what it needs. We want them scrolling, scrolling, scrolling to, “How can I book? How can I book right now?”

We want their mouths dropping open thinking, “How is she in my head?” We want epiphanies to be firing as you're talking and telling stories. Ways that they'd never even thought about, or things that they'd never even thought about, but all of a sudden, now makes sense for them.

And we want to be able to express the things that they don't know how to do, the things that they don't understand yet. Because when you're at the vantage point of not knowing, you don't quite even realize it so it will be hard for you to see the value. But once someone can lay that out clearly for you, once it's now in your head, you can't unthink it. And that's what helps them realize they need your help now.

In Module nine, we will move into your personal sales strategy, your personal sales psychology. Given what we've learned, what moves your people forward? What helps them feel safe? What do they need to believe and understand in order to say yes?

For instance, if my people believe that the only way for them to find clarity is to wait for it to come, they will never be my clients. Now, that doesn't mean that I have to nurture them all the way from that point of belief to what I believe, which is that the clarity is within and sometimes you just need an outside perspective to help you surface it. But I do need people that very much believe that with help, they can create clarity.

That's just an example of what we'll do for you to really understand what your people need to believe, and what point in their journey you're focusing on in order to speak to exactly where they're at.

And then, how are you actually going to talk about it on a discovery call or on a landing page? What metaphors will you be using? What expressions will you be using? What's the flow of information that you're going to be giving them?

At this point, there's only one thing missing to grow a highly successful service-based business, and that is an action plan. How are you going to move forward from here? How are you going to manage your mind around drama that starts coming up? That is what we talk about in our final module, and in our coaching.

To make sure you know exactly what your roadmap is. That you have a clear plan for yourself of what you're doing next, and then after that. Of course, we will have the time together as you implement that to make sure you're creating great results.

On the topic of results, I just want to have a very transparent conversation with you all, in the same way that I do with anyone that's on a call with me. That's to say, that I have seen women go from $0 in revenue to within a couple months bringing in clients. And then a few months after that, being at the magical $8,300, or whatever it is, to create their first $100,000 year.

I've also seen people go for a year with just a client here and a client there. I believe so much of this comes down to the issues that we need to work out, in terms of stepping into our brightest, boldest self. What kind of hangups we have around visibility, around owning our expertise, around receiving money directly in our own business, not through our bosses or through our partners.

I've seen women at all different income levels be able to accelerate quickly. And I've seen women at high-income levels that were great at doing it in their corporate job, but then when it comes to doing it for themselves it's a whole different ballpark.

I very much believe that whatever path we're on is the path we need to be on, and that it's all good. Because if you have a few issues to work through in the beginning, fantastic. Because then you'll be able to grow so much more quickly and from a much happier, healthier place, than for some of my clients that kind of have it a little easier in the beginning but they tend to have some issues come up later.

And at that point, it's affecting their business in a different way, and they realize they never really did the deep work. They never really needed to do the deep work on their self-worth, or whatever it is. That's okay, we can catch it then, and we can move on. But that does create a stumbling block. It does create kind of a damper on their growth and revenue at that point.

Now this clarity process that I've just been telling you about, we do all of this in… Are you ready for this? Sixty days. Wait, what? You may be saying, “I thought it was six months, I'm confused.” Hold on, I’ve got you. I'm going to explain.

Remember, I have tried all the things, and I've helped clients through these topics over the years. This, by far is what works best. Because here's what happened when I was working with people one to one on this, I would set a timeframe of three months. Then, I noticed that at the end of three months some people were still confused. They still felt not quite sure or unclear.

Me, being the overachiever that I am, thought, “You know what? I'll just extend this timeframe to six months. That way, I'll be sure to get everyone across the finish line. And then, when they finish early, great. Because I'll be able to support them as they're growing their business with the things that they don't even realize yet are going to be challenging for them.”

Most people that come to me think, “If I could just get clear, then watch out world! I'm good.” Usually, the truth is there other challenges or growth opportunities in our business, and a coach will help us create faster results.

Well, would you know, at the end of the six months the same percentage of people were feeling unclear. That's when I finally realized clarity is not about time. Clarity is not about the amount of journaling you do; you probably know this, right? Because you've done a lot of journaling. And if that were it, you would have gotten clear by now.

Clarity is about surfacing what is already within. And sometimes we are just too close to it. We can't do that for ourselves. And even a brain surgeon can't do surgery on themselves. So, counter intuitively, I shortened the timeline. I started noticing that my clients got better and better results; because the answers are within. When we help our brains with that kind of constraint, it works in our favor.

So, this was designed for people who can handle a burst of intensity, and are serious about getting clear and moving forward without delay. I still recommend that you work through it that way, especially if you're newer in business. But remember, I said at the beginning that there's a new offer, a new way of working through the Accelerator.

Well, it's this. I've spoken with some of you and you've told me that while you know you want to work with me, and you would love my support right now, there are some brush fires going on in your business. That there are some things that, while you would love to be supported on and you definitely do want to realign your business and get all the ends tied and get that foundation shored up, you want to do that in a couple months, or a few months, rather than now. You’ve really just got a lot on your plate.

I have listened. The truth is, I want you in the Clarity Accelerator. I want you getting the support you need now, and I'm happy to support my clients with anything going on in their business or life.

And so, for the first time, there is no requirement that you need to complete the curriculum at the very beginning of your time with us. Again, for the long-term success of your business, you're very much going to want to know and understand your secret sauce, make clear decisions about who your people are and are not, understand those people very, very well, and create an effective offer and effective messaging that speaks directly to them.

But I'm here to support you in creating the space that you need and getting to the point where you can focus on that. So, my friend, if you want 2024 to be the year that you've not only blow the pants off your previous business results, but you create an entirely new experience of your business and your way of managing your business... Where you feel like you're stepping into your own uncommon way.

You are confident, you are decisive, you know exactly who you are, who you're for and who you're not for, and what a no-brainer your offer is for those people. How to talk to them in a way that's deeply resonant, so you can start living into what you're here to do, and who you're here to be, in a way that makes it feel more effortless. Because you're not pushing this boulder up the hill all the time, you're just going with flow.

Well then, friend, there has never been a better time to join us. There probably never will be this much access to me directly, and with the amazing bonuses that you'll get to take part in.

If any questions are coming up for you, drop me a note: info@theuncommonway.com. Or hit me up on the DMs anywhere; I'm @TheUncommonWay all over the place. Or go ahead and schedule a time to talk with me. You can do that in the link right there in the show notes.

I'm so excited to be your coach and to lean into the truth with you that you know exactly who you are. And each day you're stepping further into what you're here to create. Now, let's go make some waves.

Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity First strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit TheUncommonWay.com. See you next time.

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