Ep #74: [Time Sensitive] Special Offer

Episode Summary

Jenna shares an exciting limited-time offer that can help you and your business uplevel and excel in the new year.

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Interested in one of the three incredible bonus sessions mentioned in this episode? Sign up for VIP private coaching or the Clarity Accelerator before December 15th, 2023, to get them! All you have to do is click here to book a call with me to get started.


Show Notes

Are you ready to uplevel your business in the new year? I know I am. That's why I’m using today’s episode to share my new, limited-time offer for women entrepreneurs. Starting next year, I’ll be coaching three different types of VIP sessions that’ll set you up for massive success in 2024.

Each session is individualized and special in its own way. You get to choose from Reinvention, The Quantum Leap, and SEO Magic. Tune in to hear more details, bonus offers, and important dates to keep in mind.

While you listen today, I ask you one thing—don’t overthink your choice. Lean into which session your intuition is drawn to and go for it! I can’t wait to meet with you in the new year.


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Details and sign-up information for my new, limited-time offer of VIP coaching sessions.

  • What you can expect from the Reinvention, The Quantum Leap, and SEO Magic sessions.

  • How this offer will help you uplevel yourself and your business in the new year.


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Full Episode Transcript:

Hey, we have got some new and very exciting things going down here at The Uncommon Way that I can't wait to tell you about. For the first time, and for a very limited time, we're offering a two-and-a-half-hour VIP session with me. There are actually three of the sessions that you'll get to choose from to set yourself up for massive success in 2024.

The value these will provide is almost incalculable, so they've truly are the gifts that will keep on giving. Grab your pen and paper, because there's going to be a lot of information in this episode.

You're listening to The Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life by prioritizing your clarity and your own Uncommon Way. You will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging, and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top-ranked business coach and reformed over-analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison.

Hello, hello, my friend. Welcome back. I am really buzzing with excitement, because I'm doing something I've never done before. Adventure really is the spice of life. It definitely adds a spring in my step, especially this time of year when it's cold and gray. This just feels like that dash of cinnamon with a hint of chili powder and my cocoa.

Today, I'm going to tell you about a special year-end promotion we're doing here at The Uncommon Way to help women entrepreneurs who run service businesses get exactly what they need to uplevel and create new success in 2024. Which is a big deal because I never do promotions like this.

Now, the people on my list got early notification of this promotion on Black Friday. By the way, if you're not on my email list, and you've been finding these episodes at all helpful, you definitely want to sign up. Because I put out totally different content there, little tidbits to really shake up your thoughts and help you create actual change for yourself.

It's super easy to sign up. You just go to my homepage, TheUncommonWay.com, and choose any of the gifts listed on that page; there are three of them. Then you'll start receiving my updates.

The reason I'm doing this promotion is an interesting story. I am currently working with a podcast consultant who asked me about my email open rates. I rarely check the open rates. So, I pulled them up right then and there on the call and saw that they are consistently 63 to 74%, even when I send to my entire list and not just my most active readers.

Those numbers are completely out of this world. Both of us were floored right there on the call. It just makes me realize how interested people are in what we're doing here at The Uncommon Way, which of course, is very uncommon. It's not the way other people are teaching business, coaching business, being in business.

I was sharing this with my coach and she challenged me to breathe in some fresh energy into my offer by coming up with something that was both super simple for me, but also crazy valuable for my people. And I, as I do, opened the channels. I told the Universe I was listening, and lo and behold, I got an inspired hit. But then I got another, and I got another.

So, now you actually have three bonuses to choose from. There's no way you won't be absolutely in love with two of them, at least. But you're going to choose one and I'm going to give you all of the details. But first, I know my people so well and I just have to say do not let yourself get hung up on which of these to choose.

I attract a lot of women with a habit of overthinking, like I used to have and like I still get back into sometimes, but do not overthink your way into not taking action on this while you can. At the time this episode comes out you will have one week to make your decision.

We close the offer on December 15th, and I will be opening up a few extra slots for calls, to have a meet and greet with you. But again, flip a coin if you have to. Okay? These are limited offers, you all. Limited in that they won't be available forever. And limited in that I'm only opening them for a few people. They are all amazing offers, and you absolutely can't go wrong with any of them.

Okay, my friend, when you decide to join me, in either the Clarity Accelerator or VIP private coaching, on or before December 15th, then you start by February 28th of 2024. Because remember, the point of this is to help you really kick your business into its most elevated place for the year, and we want to do that sooner rather than later.

So, when that happens, you will get an extra two-and-a-half-hour intensive session with me on a specific topic. We will get out our tea or coffee, we will settle in on Zoom, and then I am going to teach you something completely game changing that I have only shared with a handful of my private clients. In the second half of the call, we will be applying it to your business so you can hit the ground running. Ready? Yay, so excited!

Okay, the first one is Reinvention. We know what got you here but won't get you there. And if you want your business to grow to the next level, you need to grow to the next level. You need to actually become a different version of yourself.

Now everyone says that, but how the heck do you actually do it? Here's how. First of all, we recognize that all of us are pretty much like fish in the ocean. We look around and we think we have an ocean of infinite possibilities and choices and decisions. But the truth is, we're actually in a fishbowl in the ocean. And that fishbowl is our mind.

We actually are pretty limited in our ways of thinking, and without knowing it, these ways of thinking will keep us from ever even considering possibilities or taking actions that we have open to us. So, we have to get very clear on that fishbowl.

We have to get very clear on the confines of your current mindset, and then we have to burn it all to the ground. Then, strategically recreate yourself, intentionally this time, rather than absorbing so many of the things that don't serve you.

Now, I'm not talking about saying, “I need to be more visible, so I'm choosing to work through my visibility issues.” That is the kind of stuff you'll get as part of a Clarity Accelerator program; it's totally accessible to everyone. But what I'm talking about is next level. It's about unearthing the patterns, that you don't even realize are there, that are holding you back.

In fact, you can't imagine why you would want to change those things about yourself, until we start digging around a bit and we see how clever your brain is, and how that trait has helped you in some ways but is really limiting you in others.

This is the exact method that has helped my private clients give everyone around them whiplash from doing a double take, like, “Who are you? What happened?” It's like those before-and-after’s, when you change hair and makeup and clothes and the person looks completely different. Except we're talking about the internal stuff, which often does start showing up on the outside too.

What we're really concerned about is who are you on the inside. There are so many examples of this in my podcast interviews with private clients and in testimonials on my site. But we're talking people who have completely lost the weight, changed cities, moved to the downtown loft, and gone from meek, little, undervalued employee to six-figure earner in a year.

We're talking scattered freelancers, at about multiple six figures, who have been able to really step into their power, consolidate their offer, build out an agency, and move into seven figures of revenue.

We're talking about people who have been self-sabotaging keeping their business small by being in the weeds doing all the small things, and believing that that is their zone of genius, to completely flipping the script and becoming these high-level, strategic thinkers that are making very thoughtful, intentional decisions to set the wheels in motion for national expansion.

We're talking people that have hidden behind a computer screen forever, selling products and not showing any of themselves to the world, but had a deep longing to show up and share information that they had inside, who have now launched a completely new business showing up as the expert, and owning and claiming their expertise with such clear, concise copy directed specifically at their ideal clients.

Okay, I'm going to stop now in the interest of time. This seems like fairy dust, but it's really not. It's psychology and brain science, and it is so fun.

All right, let's talk about the second bonus, potential offer, that you can take advantage of. The second one is The Quantum Leap. Now, Quantum Leap in your business is a term that's thrown around a lot to describe a burst of massive growth that seemingly doesn't make sense. But there's actually a very left-brain method for charting exactly what was going on beforehand.

You can use that strategy yourself to reverse engineer what is required for your own Quantum Leap, and therefore really accelerate the timeline in making that happen.

Now, this is what I love to do. I love to combine, basically, the left brain and the right brain, which is kind of a way of thinking more than actual science now. But I love to help women marry the tactics and the science with the energetic.

This was actually the theme of our Clarity Collective retreat in October, and the ladies were blown away. It became such a before-and-after moment for each and every one of them. And, they said they'll just never see their lives or businesses in the same way again. They feel so much power and control, and they have such a great bird's-eye view of exactly where they're going, and knowing exactly what they're doing.

So, you can check out the episode, we'll link to it in the show notes, where my clients and I were discussing this in real time at the retreat, if you want to hear more.

In this session, you and I are going to get clear on what's next for you and exactly how you're going to radically shorten that timeline to create it, so that when your business does experience this Quantum Leap, everyone around you will say, “How did you make that happen? That was like magic.” But you will know exactly how you created it, and you'll be ready to do it again, and again, and again.

Third potential bonus offer is, my friends, SEO Magic. Do you want to get found by highly motivated buyers 24/7, while you sleep, without spending a single dollar on ads or wearing yourself out creating reels for Instagram? If so, I will share exactly what I've done to land on the first page of Google with such highly coveted keywords, which has brought me multiple six figures of revenue year after year; and more and more each year.

Now, I first was able to do this with my travel blog and then with my coaching website. So, this works. We'll be talking about the tactical SEO how-tos, which I know is what everyone really wants to know. But we're also going to be talking about the other really important things I did. Which is why just doing the tactical things won't get you where you want to be.

Such as creating highly resonant messaging, both conscious and subconscious messaging, and we'll go over the energetics involved with that too. This is not a Google Ads training. A lot of times, when I talk about Google people just assume that I'm running ads. I am not.

We're talking pure, organic search that costs you nothing, and that you put up once and then you forget it. You don't need a fancy team to do it.

All right, you all, I know, I know, these are all great, right? Again, don't get into overthinking. Just feel into your body. There's a stronger energetic charge towards one of these, and that's what you should go for. I know that they have someone's name written all over them. I know each will be perfect for someone.

But I also feel like these offers have been dying to get out more in the world. That they're knocking on me, being like, “Jenna, why have you only been sharing this with a couple of people here in there? Why are you keeping it all bottled up? We were given to you so that you could get us out there. So, give us more exposure. Talk about us, dammit!” I'm like, okay, yes, you're right. I'm on it, boss.

I recognize that some of you have not been with us that long and don't actually know what the Clarity Accelerator is about and what my private coaching is about, so you'd love to hear more. Don't worry, I've got you. I am releasing a special episode on Monday that will tell you everything you need to know. But I wanted to get this information out, about the bonuses, ASAP.

Many of you are already like, “Great, how do I sign up? What's the next step?” The next step is to book a call with me using the link in the show notes. If you don't know the details of my offers but you're in love with one of these bonuses, and maybe, based on my website or this podcast, you're pretty sure you want to work with me, or with us in the collective I should say, then I recommend you too at least book into my calendar and reserve one of those spots.

Because once this offer is gone, on December 15th, it's gone. Of course, the Clarity Accelerator will still be here. But if you're going to join anyway, now's the time to get that deposit in. Then we'll all be able to go off into the holidays excited about what we're going to create together in 2024.

I'm so excited to be your coach, and I just want to remind you that there's a part of you who knows exactly who you are. And each day you are stepping further into what you're here to create. I'll talk to you soon.

Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity First strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit TheUncommonWay.com. See you next time.

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