Ep #88: Massive Business Growth Requires Blowing Everything Up (BTS Of Our Reinvention & Why You Need It Too As A Woman Entrepreneur)

Episode Summary

Are you longing to move into the next level of your business, but it's happening slower than you'd like?

What if reinvention is the key to unlocking your next level of success and abundance?

In this episode of The Uncommon Way, Jenna Harrison shares her journey of reinvention and how it relates to your path to success.

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur looking to scale your business or just starting on your entrepreneurial journey, understanding the power of reinvention can help you break free from old patterns and achieve your goals with clarity and confidence.

In this podcast episode, you will:

  1. Understand why reinvention is essential for personal and professional growth.

  2. Learn practical steps to kickstart your reinvention journey.

  3. Discover how to recognise the signs that now is the right time for change in your life or business.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your business and life. Tune in to the episode now and start your journey of reinvention today.

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George Carlin’s American Dream (documentary)


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There is no change without growth. That's why myth after myth follows the basic storyline of the Phoenix who sets fire to its nest so that a new Phoenix can arise from the ashes. Right now at the uncommon way, we are going through a reinvention like this. And it's probably exactly what you need, too. If you truly want to reach your next level of success and abundance. You're listening to the uncommon way business and life coaching podcast, the only podcast that helps you unlock your next level in business and life. By prioritizing your clarity and your own uncommon way, you will learn to maximize your mindset, mission, messaging and strategy in order to create a true legacy. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed overanalyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison. Hello my friend. Welcome back to the uncommon way. Strange and wonderful things are happening here. We are shaking everything up. We are reinventing the business, reinventing our programs, our branding, and before the dust has settled and of course, everything has been tied up in a perfect bow. And you can easily connect the dots between the business that was and the business that has arisen before all of that. Let's get real. Let me share the sense of vulnerability that happens in real time and also what I know to be true from working with client after client on this process. I'm going to walk you through it and help you get started on your own. If that's calling to you now, maybe you're just kind of curious or even fascinated by people who reinvent themselves in this way, and that might point to the fact that it's in your future as well. Or maybe you're just starting this wild journey of entrepreneurship and you are changing from somebody in a corporate environment who's bound by what is supposed to be, into what can be. Or maybe you've reached a milestone or plateau in your business and you know what got you here or won't get you there. Maybe you've been a solopreneur and now you'll need to scale your offers or bring on a team or create the agency. Or perhaps, like me, you are moved by intuition into something new for the sake of truer alignment. Or maybe you just feel over it, over the circumstances that repeat themselves. The same things you talk about, the actions you're stuck taking again and again. Whatever your reason for being here, I believe this episode is for you, and you were meant to hear this because all of the above means you yourself are likely headed towards reinvention. Whether you realize it or not, there is no growth without change and while some of us can spend years resisting this and can get caught up in a lot of scarcity and fear and even self recrimination when it's happening, maybe you find yourself saying things like why can't you commit to anything? And why can't you just be satisfied? What I found is that life is much richer on the other side because I have been through this before and I walk clients through it daily. So here is what I want to offer you. In this episode, I'll give you some perspective on why this is happening, why it needs to happen, why it's totally okay. I'll share how to kickstart your own reinvention and how to know if now is not the time to make changes. I'll be giving you a behind the scenes look at the exact moment I realized this was happening for me so you can more easily read the signs for yourself. Plus, I've got a few anecdotes from past reinventions of mine and my clients to help your brain build evidence that this is possible for you and safe to lean into this. And of course, as always, I will be weaving in my top tactical tip mindset tip and energetic tip as I do in every episode. But before we go there, I want to share the exciting news that I have found a new software that lets us talk to each other. And I'm so happy that rather than me just talking into the air here, well, actually into my closet, me and my clothes hanging out, talking about business and life, I'm really happy that we'll be able to talk directly. It's super simple the way it works. You just need to go to theuncommonway.com talk talk, theuncommonway.com talk and there you'll see how you can leave me a message. Now, what I would love for you to do is to let me know any question you have, any issue or problem in your business thing you're considering. And I'll be selecting some of these to feature on the podcast. And I will be sharing the tactical, the mindset and the energetic tip that I would give you if you were my client. So it's free coaching for you. It's a great inspiration for me. It really lets me know exactly what's going on for you so that I can continue to create content that really serves you. And since I'm a manifesting generator in human design, it allows me to respond to something specific, which is really a place of flow and great ease for me. So you're really doing me a favor and really feel free to ask me anything. Hey, if you want true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the clarity accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this. Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn, from Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to theuncommonway.com slash schedule and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach. Okay, today I'd like to do something different and start with a story. And it's the story of the comedian George carlin. Now, if you don't know who he was, he was a very straight laced comic in the 50s because they all were back then. They all had the very nice manicured kind of greaseback hair, and they would wear a suit to every tv performance, and they'd do kind of these corny jokes that were really never offensive in any way. But what happened is that in the 60s, he made a radical departure. He grew out his hair. He started looking like a hippie. This is in the Vietnam era. And he started traveling college campuses so that he could say whatever he wanted to say. And many of his jokes and commentaries were political in nature, and they enraged his former fans. Oh, another good point to mention is that he and his wife had just purchased their first home. They really felt like they had made it, like he had arrived. He was earning more money than they ever could have imagined. They felt so safe and secure and set. But he knew that his art was changing, and he had to follow his truth. But guess what? His audience ended up growing. His wealth ended up growing. And then this happened again and again. And pretty much every time, he managed to offend and lose many members of his previous audience. And each time, his audience grew even bigger, his fame grew even stronger. His art and his craft grew even tighter. And of course, his wealth grew. His power grew. And that, my friends, is what happens when you lean into your alignment rather than letting your head talk you out of it. Because really, George Carlin was merely following a pattern, an archetype that has existed as long as humans have been interpreting the world and telling stories about it. Just Google resurrection myths or even creation myths, and you'll see myths very much like the phoenix. The Phoenix who burns its nest, and from the ashes, a new phoenix is born. This is the creative process. And humans have understood this for millennia. It's told again and again about how something needs to change. And specifically, you need to say goodbye to something. You need to burn your nest in order to rise. Now, burning your nest can mean so many things. It could be saying goodbye to old patterns. It could be transmuting darker emotions and stories. It could mean completely saying goodbye and changing your art or a part of you. I'm thinking of Picasso, who went through so many different phases. But what's universal is this. You can have small, incremental growth without changing much. We all know that most of us get through our lives that way. But for the kind of growth and impact you're looking for, into what maybe seemed like a dream before, you must pass through a reinvention. What got you here won't get you there, otherwise you already would have created it. Imagine a corporate executive who is a genius at really helping people get to the point really quickly sizing up the information that's most necessary and relevant, and has risen through the ranks through this ability to have very short, concise meetings and really get people focused on productivity and what really matters and not waste space on the small stuff. Obviously, when that pattern becomes so successful, it's going to be really challenging to change, because you'll believe to your bones that this is what's responsible for your success. But so often what we see is that it's also a cap to your success. I know, paradoxical, right? But just imagine that in order for this exec to really take the company into its much greater level of growth, what's actually going to be needed is a lot of out of the box thinking that only comes through collaborative brainstorming and throwing out ideas that never existed before. And that does not happen in an environment of really tight meeting schedules and hyperproductivity. These are the counter logical moments when you have to stop and think, wait, how can the thing that has served me so well possibly be holding me back now? I'm thinking of my client, Kat, who has been on the podcast a couple of times. You can go back and listen to those and hear the difference in her voice and her presentation over time. It's really fun, but she had dreams of creating a seven figure business, and when we first started working together, she was a freelancer doing all sorts of jobs for almost whoever requested them. But that pattern wasn't going to serve her for where she was going. She would have been totally burned out, and there just wasn't enough of her to get the seven figures she had to transform herself into someone who is very clear on her highest value zone of genius, is willing to loyally reorient herself to that over and over again. Get comfortable with regularly turning down work. And not just turning down work, but turning down offers that are far larger than what she used to earn. And in so doing, she has become an industry leader who is highly respected and highly in demand. But of course, when we're telling stories like George Carlin's and the Phoenixes and cats we are seeing thereafter. But in the beginning of this process, it doesn't feel like you have this clear roadmap to success. It feels like ass. There's a lot of discomfort, the fears, the vulnerability. Sometimes they're second guessing, which is why more people don't do it. We can't tolerate the level of discomfort that's required. But you are an entrepreneur, which means you're building muscles for tolerating risk and discomfort that rival a navy Seals. How do I know? Because I've lived in the military most of my life. I've studied with the military and coached many service members. And what both know the Navy SeaLs and entrepreneurs, is that discomfort now is worth. It is worth the bigger picture. For us, that would be worth the payout. The payout in satisfaction, in fulfillment, in business and personal growth. So that is the mindset tip that I want to leave with you, despite what your very human brain might tell you. And that brain is brilliant, but also very reactive because it has been wired to be so for hundreds of thousands of years. Discomfort is manageable. It's just a slush of chemicals in the bloodstream. So now let's get tactical, shall we? How do you actually kick start this magical process? Simply, you gather all of your courage and say, I am open to this and to receiving the clarity I need to move to the next level or to the next phase of my life, or whichever way you think about it. Again, I'm open. And I'm open to receiving whatever I need. Whether you realize it or not, you are doing this exactly when you hire a coach or you geek out with a super detailed spreadsheet listing the things in your life that aren't a 100% hell yes compared to what the hell yes version would be. Or you reverse engineer a plan of okay, if I dream of having a massive social media following, I will need to drastically increase my comfort with visibility. So what can I do now, today to begin increasing that capacity? All of these are manifestations of our openness to change and our commitment to change. So whether you do something when you do something like that, or you're comfortable just making the declaration to the universe, knowing that life itself will start giving you the information you need. They're all, in essence, signaling something very important. And after that signal, once you keep taking steps, you will create that directional momentum. Now, you might be thinking, how could that really be that powerful? So what? So I say something into my closet, looking at my clothes. So what? It's powerful because your higher self knows where you are going and how you're meant to evolve. So once you're open and paying attention, it will send you signs. Now, whether you see and interpret them is a whole other story. But in our human perception, linear time, point of view, we feel like where we're going is some big unknown. And maybe that getting there is an uphill battle, but the opposite is true. This is the tide and direction of your life. Life has been moving you along since the day you were born. So our openness is the equivalent of lowering a dam. The water's been accumulating. The tide has been flowing to the point that the pressure is building, and the river needs to not be here anymore, but to flow on, to continue making its way. But we need to lower the dam. To lower the damn dam. And having been through this before, I can tell you that that is exactly what is going on right now with the uncommon way. Actually, let me tell you about an earlier time as well, so you can see the similarities and patterns. Because, obviously, the whole point of me telling you about this, other than that you might be interested, is that I want to help you recognize some similar things that are showing up for you. So, this story is set in the time of COVID when I looked around at all the other business coaches saying, come on, you can still sell. Get out there and sell. And I just had no interest whatsoever in talking about that. I realized that what was truly interesting to me was the fact that this was going to be such a major awakening for so many people, that our world had just been turned head over heels, and it was going to have so many people looking for clarity and wondering, what do I really want in my life? What meaning do I want to make in my life in this one precious wild ride? And I wanted to speak to that. So I shut down my business, my business, coaching business, and I solely dedicated myself to clarity. But as I started to actually move through the paces, what I realized was that if I were truly going to walk my talk, which is that we can connect the dots of our business through what we're really here to do to our right people, to the right offer for those people, and onto the messaging that ties all of that up for them. What I realized is that if my mission, my reason for being here, was to help more women live very uncommon life of their choosing, that while, yes, it was helpful to help them get clear on what that would even look like, but that really, the best people who were really primed to bring that vision to life and to lean into it were entrepreneurs, because they had already chosen the path of the uncommon. They were already asking these questions for themselves, and they weren't bound by location restrictions or two weeks of vacation or whatever their boss was demanding of them. So I realized that it had to be entrepreneurs, but that I was going to do it differently, and that's exactly what I did. So, by the way, I promise to let you know when it's not time to burn everything to the ground and reinvent yourself or your business, and that is if you are purely running from something. So at the time I shut down my business, I was really burning the candle at both ends. And I was not only coaching my business clients, but I was creating copy for them and all of their messaging. And it was tough for me to carry that workload. And it was also tough for me to see that my clients were becoming more dependent on me rather than building their own muscles, their own communication and entrepreneurial muscles. But I didn't shut everything down just because of that, because that discomfort alone might have held some great lessons, and there was space there to figure out solutions. Maybe I needed to raise prices and have fewer clients and deal with the underlying not enoughness that was really holding me back from doing that in the first place. Or I just needed to build my capacity and my skills so that what seemed like time consuming work was far more manageable. There were so many possibilities for growth there, right? And so it really depends on your growth edge and your historical patterns that need to be transcended. But in my case, I had that very strong energy pulling me towards something as well. Helping women get their business up and running as quickly as possible, that was great, but it wasn't as aligned as helping them create clarity on that uncommon life. So even though I was gripped by fear about shutting down a six figure business, that was the first time I'd gotten to six figures. I was very attached to it. And even though I had a whole bunch of scarcity about would enough people even want this new kind of thing I was offering, I still move towards alignment. And now it's easy to look back and wonder why I even hesitated that this was so clearly much more aligned work for me and that my business would blossom. And now there's another reinvention going on. And I'll give you the backstory. I've known that a new offer was coming for maybe two years now. I even knew its name, but I also knew that it wasn't time yet. But when I was in Spain last month, house hunting, it became very apparent that it wanted to come. Now. It could care less about the logical timeline that I had prepared in my mind, which, if you're interested, is that I have been putting all of my love and attention towards the clarity accelerator mastermind, my signature program, and making sure that people were understanding the process and getting the results from the process and continuing to get even better results from the process. And now that that was happening, I wanted to start inviting more people and practice with that for a while. But nothing in my life is following the plan right now. We planned to move to North Carolina after my husband retires from the military this summer and then start spending more and more time in Spain until we were ready to move there. Well, guess what? We're cutting ties with no backup. We're selling most of our things and we are moving directly to Spain this summer. Full stop. So not only are we leaving behind the military life that I have known for 15 years, and that my husband is known for nearly 30, but we're leaving the country too. And in the background, I've been completely making over the team here at the uncommon way I have switched up all of my primary contractors. I've changed Vas. I've up leveled to working with a director of operations. My branding is getting a complete makeover. Many of you know that last year I did a big new photo shoot in Spain and you might have seen the sneak peeks on Instagram. I hope so. The website will look and feel completely different. Everything else will look and feel completely different. I hired my client Gabby, who's been on the podcast before and is just a brilliant artist to redo everything. And I'm having her back on the podcast so we can talk about that full process of rebranding. And you can gain so much wisdom from her like I did. And all of it was very much in line with the personal branding work that I did last year when I turned 50 up leveling my wardrobe because as I kept valuing myself more and more and having more and more disposable income, I wanted to adorn myself differently and I wanted to have the sensory experience of really amazing fabrics. This podcast is having a reinvention too. Not just the branding and the COVID art will change, but the title will change. And as you've already seen, the format is changing. And there are many other things in my life that I won't go into that are or were being reinvented. And honestly, I believe the rest of my business was like, hey, what about me? At first, it was a subtle knock at the door to get my attention. So there were some disappointments in my business that really helped me pay closer attention. Like the fact that I've been spending quite a lot of time on sales calls the last couple months. We are having more interest than ever, which is amazing, but with many, many people who are not the right fit. People that I have not seen come through Google in years, many that I didn't even hop on the phone with because I knew they weren't the right fit. And that's been curious. Usually I call in my clients with laser focus and they're very aligned. So I've been paying attention, I've been evaluating, knowing that the universe was helping me clarify what I don't want and why, so that I can get more specific about what I do want. So it was becoming apparent that I was really being called towards this second offer, towards the energy of this second offer. But then of course, my mind speaks up, saying it isn't time. And I was talking about it with Ben when we were in Spain, and he was offering know some points of view. He is ever logical and absolutely my rock. But he was know, really, I'm going to be taking a big pay cut when I go from active duty pay to my pension. And you are now the breadwinner. And is this really the time for you to change everything? And especially rewrite even the website copy? Because that's our bread and butter. That is my primary source of lead generation. Was I really ready to change things up over there? And it was so perfect because as he was saying, maybe you shouldn't change anything for a while, at least until we get to Spain. I just felt the strongest reaction in my body that, no, it had to be now. It was like a whoosh of intuition. It felt outside of me. And I knew that that was finally the conversation that would allow me to gain the clarity that the universe had been trying to lead me towards for months. And I just knew, and I let him know. And of course he was supportive. He was like, all right, well, then we're changing everything in life. Why not that too. But there's one other thing I haven't told you, and this is very, very important because I've already said my first love is the clarity accelerator, and I knew it needed to up level like every other area in my life. I can't change everything else and leave my baby behind, obviously, but I didn't know how that was going to happen until I was watching a replay of a coaching call inside the clarity accelerator. I have been having a couple of my most seasoned clarity accelerator clients coach in the program lately as bonus calls and just to over deliver and let my current clients have direct interaction with entrepreneurs who've been through the program too and used it to create a successful business. And as I was watching one of the replays, it hit me. Whoa. It was really good. No wonder how my clients have been raving about it. I realized that these women are much closer in time to where my clients are than I am right now. They can offer the kind of firsthand perspective that I can't always access in the same way myself. It's hard for me to remember when, for instance, I felt hesitations about sales or I doubted if my secret sauce was enough for my people or my entrepreneurial chops were enough. Of course I can talk about it. Theoretically. I lived through it, but not with the same emotion and detail and the same access to exactly what I did, when to help me change my beliefs about those things. Which is why I frequently bring clients onto the podcast to give you their firsthand perspective, because they can remember it like yesterday and it was like a light bulb going off in my brain. And so now I am so excited to announce that when you join the clarity accelerator, now the greatest mastermind that exists, which is getting even better, you will get one of these women as your personal coach to be with you during the six months of the program. You'll have one to one calls with them, which are so helpful when you want to dive deeper into a topic. And yes, you'll still have the private call with the copywriter to make sure that you are nailing the concepts and the tactics about communication that we share in the program. I have already found someone amazing, and she is very, very talented. And of course, I'll still be there too, every week, leading calls. And this is still a boutique mastermind where I will know you. I know your business. I know what you're working on. I will be there for you as you learn the principles of how we build such powerful businesses. As you clarify your secret sauce, as you create your million dollar offer, meaning this offer. If it creates a six figure business for you because it's so perfect and tantalizing for your clients, then in ten years you've created a million dollars and even more, and with a shorter timeline, if you're creating multiple six, which you will definitely have the tools to do so, you've clarified your secret sauce, your offer, and lastly, how you'll articulate the value of it and sell it. And then of course, really starting to apply all of this to your business. We don't just think about it and theorize. We always roll up our sleeves and we grow your business together in real time so that you get to see the up level and you'll have your personal coach and me to help with all of that. And again, this is open to all entrepreneurs. Some people, the lucky ones, start with us at the very beginning of their journey. But there are also people at six figures or beyond in their businesses who are clarifying the next iteration of their business and the vehicles that they want to take them into the next iteration of their business. Meaning the offers, the strategies. On top of that, I am remaking the coursework to simplify everything, to make it so clear and easy that it just folds right into everything you're doing. And of course, you'll still get access to the original materials if you're interested in those. So as you can probably hear, I am beyond excited for everyone who's going to be joining us this year because there hasn't never been a better time to join. And if you are curious about the new mastermind experience, the new offer that I've been teasing on this show that is going to begin in fall. So you will definitely want to make sure that you have your bases covered and join us in the clarity accelerator now so that you can transition easily into that program. Now, I'm going to be talking about that one more next week, but it's going to be very juicy and it's for people that have mastered the concepts in the accelerator. So stay tuned for more on that. All right, if you have any questions at all, you can drop us an email support at. The uncommon way, you can also go to theuncommonway.com schedule to set up your 90 minutes roadmap. Call with me at any time if you want to see how we would apply the tools in the clarity accelerator and the support in the clarity accelerator to you specifically and your business. All right, my friends, that's it for today. You know who you are, and each day you are stepping further into what you're here to create. Have a great week. Thanks for joining us here at the uncommon way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the clarity first strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit theuncommonway.com. See you next time. Our.