Ep #89: Introducing: Power & Potency (The Mastermind for Accomplished Women Entrepreneurs Who Want to See How Good It Can Get)

Episode Summary

Are you looking to take your power to an even more extraordinary level and find out just how good your business and life can get?

In this episode, Jenna Harrison introduces her newest offer, Power & Potency, a mastermind experience designed to help accomplished women entrepreneurs elevate what they're capable of to mastery level.

Discover how this unique opportunity can propel you forward, even if you're already near the top of your game.

In this podcast episode you will:

1) Gain insight into what sets the Power & Potency mastermind apart from other offers, and learn who it's designed for and who it isn't.

2) Understand how joining Power and Potency can provide you with the tools, support, and community you need to maximize your impact, scale your business, and create a life of abundance, ease and joy.

3) Discover the options available to you, whether it's diving into the Clarity Accelerator to successfully dial in the pieces of your business and mindset, or joining the Power & Potency waitlist to embark on a journey of otherworldly success.

Do you feel called to ignite untapped superpowers and join a community of like-minded women committed to extraordinary growth and success? 

Click the link in the show notes to join the Power & Potency waitlist and lean into your uncommonly successful future.


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Sign up here to get on the waitlist for Power & Potency and hear all new information as its released:


Schedule a call with Jenna to talk about joining the Clarity Accelerator to dial in the pieces of your successful business and first-rate mindset.


Links mentioned:

Should I Say Yes or Should I Say No (Tapping Into Intuition)




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Full Episode Transcript:

It's a great name, isn't it? Tanalizing, even. And the fact that the name, power and potency gets such a positive reaction shows me just how needed this new offer is in the world. I can't wait to tell you about it. You're listening to the Uncommon Way business and Life coaching podcast podcast. The podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies that sell themselves so you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging and strategy and step into the uncommonly successful business and life you are creating. Here's your host. Top ranked business coach and reformed overanalyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison. Welcome. Welcome back to the uncommon way. I am so happy to be here with you today and to be telling you about our newest offer. Now, in the last episode, I described an experience I had where my business basically took over and told me in no uncertain terms that an offer I had been sitting on for years was ready to be birthed. Now, it didn't care what my mind had to say about it not being the right time, so I listened. Because I've done enough of this work to know when these hits come from a pure place rather than from a sneaky siren part of my brain reacting to something or avoiding something else. Now, if you don't have this clear for yourself, you have got to listen to episode 32 about how to tap into your intuition. So you can go to theuncommonway.com 32 or just click the link in the show notes. But today we're not really talking about intuition. Not really. Today is the birth announcement for power and potency, an extremely elevated mastermind experience that I am excited to share with the world. In this episode, I'm going to let you know what makes this offer so different from anything else out there, who this is for, who it isn't for, and what to do if you need to get from A to B. Because you know you eventually belong in this mastermind and how you can find out more if you're getting the hit that this is your next right step. But first, did you know that you don't even have to wait to get coached by me right now? You can leave me a voicemail telling me what's going on with your business and what you need help with. And if yours is selected, I will create an entire podcast for you, for you, and for everyone else that's having the same issue. Of course, I'll give you the straight up tactical and mindset tips that I would give a client in a similar situation, plus one other tip that might just seem a little out there, but that's okay because you never know, right? So do not even hesitate on this. Open yourself up to finding exactly what you need. All you'll have to do is click the link in the episode notes or head straight to theuncommonway.com. Talk. That's talk. And hey, you could also leave me a message with general questions or suggestions. Anything except ads for services. But I would love to hear from you, and I hope you will take me up on this. Now let's get us some more power and potency, shall we? As the name suggests, this is where we practice wielding our superpowers at mastery level. As if you were a sorceress who was playing with how good can this get? And you wanted to play in the company of other women, equally powerful, who could inspire you to stretch further, to question what's possible even more, to allow that much more ease, to harness that much more power to scale those heights. Yes, my friend, even those. Because here's what I've realized. We, meaning women, will not be able to really fully lean into living our own uncommon way unless we have a vehicle, a structure to support us. Because the women I work with aren't choosing to live a forager lifestyle out in the woods with no dependence on the modern world. Quite the contrary, we want to experience everything that life has to offer without limits. So yes to first class flights to the amazing hotel, hopefully it also has environmental impact mitigation baked into its core, and it's giving back to the culture and surroundings. But we're saying yes to things that cost a lot of money and yes to things that cost nothing at all. To taking breaks and creating space to actually not think, rather than being tied to a timetable just in order to earn what we need. And for that, you need a business. And that's what I have dedicated myself to for years now. Helping women establish and grow businesses that can support a family that do allow you to set your own schedule and love the clients you work with and be your own boss. Where we combine smart business sense with the felt sense of working in our zones of genius, with a clear plan and roadmap, with the most rigorous mindset training in the world. So we are as calm, confident and collected in how we show up in the world and regulate our emotions and nervous systems. As calm and confident there as we are, clear, concise, and yet unattached in our messaging and in the outward face of our business. And those are beautiful things that alone changes lives in huge and unexpected ways. Because once a woman realizes she can do that, what can't she do? Who can't she be? And I have watched the world change in wild and wonderfully uncommon ways as my clients step into their power and as they accelerate their accomplishments. And I've seen that it's not just my clients lives, but it's their clients lives and their family's lives and their friends lives. Because this new way of living is fucking contagious, as it should be. There is no room in our future for the old, stale, stuck ways. But there comes a point where you've built the business. You know how to manage your mind and emotions like a pro. You've tapped into how powerful you are, and you realize your only limits are what you're not thinking or imagining yet. And then what? And then you look around and you realize you're on rarefied ground. There aren't a whole lot of women playing at your level, even if some of them are making as much as you, or even more than you. Many are still living in old patterns of hustle and scarcity. And sure, all high performers can cycle through that. Sometimes we're humans with high expectations, but it seems that much of the world doesn't realize they're in it. Some stay there and they compromise values or health or connection, but you are not willing to compromise. And that can feel achingly lonely, because you know you're not done. You still want to grow. Your growth is never done. You want mastery level, and maybe some new things you've never even thought of or tools you've never even heard about. Maybe some woo concepts. Sure, if they're going to help you step more into who you're becoming and the life you're creating. You are open, and you want all this in the presence of other similar women. Because you know from experience that it not only feels amazing to have strong women in your corner who can inspire and mentor and support you, but that the hive brain always accelerates evolution unlike anything else. That the sum really is greater than its parts. My friend. If this is you, then you will have found home in the power and potency mastermind. It is a select group of accomplished entrepreneurs who have what they need. They have the seven figure business, or the business with the clear path to seven figures. And now it's really about what you want. You want to see how good it can get. Like I said, how great is your impact? How disruptive is your thought leadership? How easeful can your business be? How joyful is your life. How can you lean back, flick your wrist, and all of this power that you have been cultivating merges with the power you're now accessing, and they swirl together out through your hand to become manifest in the world. This is a group where you get to be whoever you want to be. Nobody's going to raise an eyebrow at the goals or dreams that you talk about or about the way you're choosing to build it. Is this a moment where you're getting tactical and saying, hey, y'all, how did you scale out that team and call in such talent? Or what possibilities are you seeing for a next offer for me that I haven't considered? That's perfect. But maybe it's a moment where you've realized part of you is deeply afraid of loosening the grip of control that has kept you successful until now. And you want firsthand stories from your sisters about times that they have successfully let go and then realized they could fly. So how did they think about it? What was the final step that had them taking the leap? Or maybe, like I alluded to earlier, you want to talk about something a little woo. How you've been noticing this happening just the way you dreamed it, and it just can't be coincidence. And nobody's going to roll their eyes. People outside might. They might roll their eyes at lots of things. Our decisions, our actions, our dreams. They can call us crazy. I don't care. All genius needs some crazy. And in some future not too far away, they'll call it normal. I've seen it time and time again. Crazy just means not understood. So let's declare that this is possible, that life can be this. That I can do it my way, that all of my creation starts with me thinking it. And then let's put this all into practice. Together in this incubator called power and potency. We'll have in person retreats at the most divine locations around the world, probably starting with Majorca, my new home. But that is to be decided. We will have guides and experts at the top of their game coming to help us stretch beyond whatever feels available to us in that moment. And we'll become more powerful while our work becomes more potent in tandem with all of our amazing peers. Again, this is for you. If you have the established business, you value your life outside of business and have taken strides towards wellness and cultivating joy and pleasure. And you've built your resiliency and your mind management in a way that lets you both care for your emotional well being, but also step out of reactionary patterns that don't serve you and then get back in the game quickly and with fluidity. This type of environment is incredibly unique. There are very few women entrepreneurs that are producing at this level, let alone joining together with these kinds of values and focus. We're focusing not just on accruing more money or not just on developing a certain skill, but on the totality of the yes. And how much ease, power, joy, wealth, love, health, impact, success unabashedly. Can we call to us now? There might be some of you who are thinking, Jenna, this sounds amazing. It's what I have been longing for. But when you were talking about the qualifications, I realized I still have some room to grow. Well, congrats, my friend, because that clarity is priceless. You need to know what you need to work on in order to get where you want to go. And great news. I have just the way to help you get there. You can join us in the clarity accelerator now and get those pieces dialed in. There has never been a better time to join. Plus, now you have the added incentive of being able to set your sights on power and potency. I love, love, love the simplicity of my two offers. Now I hope you do as well. First, you need to build the structure, the thing. You need the vehicle that can help you create this life. And you'll get all of those tools and wisdom in the clarity accelerator and be able to put this into practice, creating a hyper aligned and hyper successful business mindset and life. And then you get to move on to play in real time. I thought of this as a video game in the beginning. Maybe you choose your avatar, you choose a couple superpowers, and the game walks you through. Okay, here's how you move your character. Right here are the different things you can do. There's a certain sense of having the training wheels on, and you probably have a practice round, and that's where you build that confidence, and you're like, yeah, I got this. I see how it works. And when you're done with that, are you ready to play? To play the game where you never really win? You're just playing to see how far you can go and beating your own high score just because you love the game. If you're there, then strap in, because shit's getting real in power and potency. We are taking off the bumpers and the guardrails, and we are going for it. So at this point, you have two options. Which one is right for you. If it's the clarity accelerator, sign up for a roadmap call with me. Go to theuncommonway.com schedule. The link is in our notes and we will hop on a 90 minutes call to get you fully prepared for that experience. If power and potency is calling you, then head to theuncommonway.com waitlist waitlist and get on that list so you don't miss any details and you will be the first to know when applications open again. That's theuncommonway.com waitlist. The link is in the show notes. Go ahead and hop over there right now. Okay my friend, thank you for being here. It has been a joy as always. And remember, you know who you are and each day you're stepping further into what you're here to create. I'll see you next time. Thanks for joining us here at the uncommon way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the clarity first strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit theuncommonway.com. See you next time.