Ep# 90: Meditation for Bringing Spring Vitality Into Your Business (Usher In Business and Personal Growth and New Results)

Episode Summary

Have you ever felt the surge of energy as spring breathes life into nature?

Imagine channelling that same revitalizing force into your business and life. As you witness the transformation around you, consider how this season's energy can propel your entrepreneurial journey forward.

This episode offers a unique meditation on tapping into spring's vibrancy and applying it to your mindset and strategies, fostering newfound clarity and momentum in your endeavors.


In this podcast episode, you will:


1) Gain a refreshed perspective: Learn to attune yourself to the natural energy of spring, gaining insight and inspiration for your business and personal growth.

2) Enhance clarity and focus: Through guided meditation, discover techniques to ground yourself, release negativity, show up more powerfully and unlock your inner guidance, fostering a clearer vision for your path.

3) Accelerate progress: Experience firsthand the transformative power of aligning with spring's energy, gaining momentum towards achieving your goals and manifesting abundance in your business and life.

Ready to infuse your business with the energy of spring?

Listen to the episode now and embark on a journey of clarity, revitalization, and abundant growth.

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Click the link in the show notes to join the Power & Potency waitlist and lean into your uncommonly successful future.


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Links mentioned:

Ep #36: How to Harness Spring Energy for Your Business (theuncommonway.com)

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Full Episode Transcript:

90. Meditation for Bringing Spring Vitality Into Your Business (Usher In Business and Personal Growth and New Results) [00:00:00] Behind the scenes, all the trees and bushes have been orchestrating the onslaught of leaves and flowers and berries that are about to burst forth into your vision. And that has all been going on for a while now. Regardless of whether you can see it or not, the exact same thing is happening in your life and business. And I want to help you harness and amplify and also just play with that spring energy. So stick around, we're going to ride that wave. I'll show you how. You're listening to the Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast. The podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies that sell themselves, so you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging and strategy and step into the uncommonly successful business. And life you are creating. Here's your host, top [00:01:00] ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison. Hey, welcome back to the Uncommon Way. I have something a little different for you today. It's a meditation to help you tap into this spring energy that's all around us in the Northern Hemisphere and really bring that into your business to start seeing different results. Now, that concept might be a little out there for some of you, but you never know, right? And I know that for me and many of the people I know, meditations like this, if nothing else, really help us focus our thoughts for the day and step forward more confidently and show up more powerfully. And who couldn't use a little more of that? So I recommend that you do listen to it for seven [00:02:00] days or so just to get the compound effects. And to let you know, this is a replay of an episode that we did last year. And in that episode, I spent a lot more time in the beginning talking about how it shows up in our business when we're kind of in winter, where we're not quite seeing the results yet, even though there might be so much happening. beneath the scenes, or underground, however you want to think about it, and what that kind of feels like and looks like, and some actual steps to take to start changing things. So if you're interested, go back and listen to that one. It is episode 36, and we'll link to it in the show notes. But I want to keep this episode short and just say one quick thing, which is my what a difference a year makes. Because when we released this a year ago, Ben and I were going to North Carolina to [00:03:00] test out different cities to live in and to make our home. And I was feeling so excited and so anxious to move on with that next phase in our life. We have found a new city, but it ain't in North Carolina. It's in Mallorca, Spain, where we'll be moving this summer. But I am now feeling A lot of nostalgia. I'm literally looking around me and looking up at the oak and the sycamore trees and the bare branches and the gray sky and thinking, Oh, I'm not going to see that next year. And I'm not going to see my mom's cozy house that I can go over to once a week in the evening and we can watch a girly movie. And there are so many other little things. lovable things about this place that we've called home for the last four years. And , I'm feeling a lot of heart pangs. So I think for me, , this meditation will also be wonderful just to, you know, really [00:04:00] help me orient my thoughts to the future. And I hope it will be wildly helpful for you too. Enjoy. Hey, if you're a coach who wants true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots. The dots that have always been there for you. So that you can show up like you were born for exactly this. Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn. From Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to theuncommonway. com slash schedule and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach. Okay, you want to practice all this? I recommend going outside, or listen now, but then revisit this later when you can go outside. Bring a journal, or you can take notes on your phone or into a voice recorder, but don't actually take the notes during the [00:05:00] practice, do so afterwards. You can write down whatever you noticed, or anything that was revealed to you. Okay, my friend. Sit down on the ground. Maybe find a spot under a tree, somewhere in front of a beautiful view, something that feels comfy. Now, if sitting is uncomfortable for you, just lay down on the ground. What we want is for your body to be in contact with the earth. And now just take a few deep breaths and longer exhales. Feel your body sinking into the earth and being supported by the earth. And now tune into the energy of the earth itself. There's a vibration there that is very grounded, steady, and also nurturing. for joining. And feel that moving up through your body. And now imagine that within you, you had a little seed or bulb or bud, however you want to imagine it, [00:06:00] right in the center of your chest. Imagine a little sprout coming from there, a little tendril, and it was moving down through your body and into the earth and forming roots. Feel those roots going deeper and deeper, grounding you into the earth, and just scan your body and notice if there are any qualities that are maybe anxious or heavy. And with each exhale, release all of this anxious energy into the earth and imagine yourself as just a tiny speck on this great green and blue ball in this moment in time And when your nervous energy is delivered, it's just so inconsequential compared to the earth, relative to the earth, that it's just absorbed. It dissipates and [00:07:00] disappears into this really rich, fertile soil or rock. And as you're inhaling, especially if you feel a heavier or a lethargic energy, imagine inhaling, that nourishment, that vitality. That is our planet. So just notice this for a few rounds of your inhales and exhales and feel yourself stabilize and then I want you to attune to this springtime energy that we've talked about. What is actually happening in the trees and the bushes underneath our feet, between the bunnies and the ducks, that momentum. Tune into the quality of that energy. What does that feel like? Maybe it feels like a wave or a tingling on the outside of your limbs. Maybe it feels like momentum [00:08:00] swelling underneath you and carrying you forward. Just get curious about how you perceive that. And next, I want you to ask your energy to turn on so that you can feel it. You felt the earth energy? You felt the spring energy, what is yours, what does your energy feel like, your highest self? How are you feeling that in your body in this moment? Is there a place for it, a color for it, a movement, a sensation? What does that feel like when it is turned on, when the volume is increased? And now from the interplay of these very powerful energies, you can kind of imagine them maybe swirling around, playing with each other. These three powerful energies of the earth, the spring, and [00:09:00] you, my friend. From there, I want you to ask for guidance from maybe your higher self, be your inner visionary. Add the universe, your board of directors, however you think of it, wherever you glean your wisdom from, just ask, what do you need to plant, to nourish, to wait for, or to envision at this moment, right now with this spring energy that will facilitate the most potent use of this time, of this energy, to deliver your future harvest. There's no right or wrong here, and there's no linear time here. This guidance may come to you now, it may come to you later. Just opening. This is one of the few moments in our modern world [00:10:00] where we can let our energy and our intuition lead instead of our mind, just to help balance out all of our powers. Alright, my friends. If this has been helpful for you to tap into this energy, to receive guidance, or even just ground yourself and give your nervous system a reset. You have just experienced a small part of what happens inside the Clarity Collective that accelerates the process of you becoming your future you. To experience that acceleration yourself, you can join us in the Clarity Accelerator, or you can join me for private coaching. Either avenue brings you into the larger clarity collective. Consider this your invite. Okay. I am cheering you on as you ride this wave of spring energy into tremendous [00:11:00] revitalization and the resulting abundant harvest in your business and life. Remember, deep down, you know who you are and each day you're stepping further into what you're here to create. Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity First strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit TheUncommonWay. com. See you next time. ​