Ep# 93: The 1,2,3 of Reinventing Yourself and Realigning Your Business for Next Level Success

Episode Summary

Have you ever wondered what possibilities you’re missing out on, just because you've never even considered them?

How do you break free from your current mindset, which can limit your potential for growth and success, and unlock radical potential?

In this episode of The Uncommon Way, we delve into the crucial process of reinvention, showing you why it's essential to question everything and build your ability for expansive thinking … and how to do it.

You’ll bring the transformations into your business and unlock a new level of success and fulfillment.

You will:

1. Learn why it's crucial to dramatically stretch your possibilities in order to create new results in your business and life.

2. Discover tactical strategies to expand your thinking and consider possibilities you've never explored.

3. Gain insights on integrating these radical shifts into your business to achieve uncommon success and fulfillment. Ready to unlock radical possibilities and transform your business and life? Scroll up & press play now to step into a completely new future.  

Schedule a call with Jenna to talk about joining the Clarity Accelerator to dial in the pieces of your successful business and first-rate mindset. https://www.theuncommonway.com/schedule   

Sign up here to get on the waitlist for Power & Potency, the new mastermind for accomplished women entrepreneurs, and hear all new information as it's released: https://www.theuncommonway.com/waitlist    

Leave a voicemail for Jenna and get her personalized advice for your business: https://www.theuncommonway.com/talk

The Uncommon Way is led by business coach Jenna Harrison, who helps women entrepreneurs feel confident, find their ideal clients effortlessly and avoid overwork so they can manifest abundance in their business and life.


Links mentioned 

#88 Massive Business Growth Requires Blowing Everything Up (BTS of Our Reinvention & Why You Need It Too As a Woman Entrepreneur)

#2 The Decision Tree

Books mentioned 

We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers


The Uncommon Way is led by business coach Jenna Harrison, who helps women entrepreneurs feel confident, find their ideal clients effortlessly and avoid overwork so they can manifest abundance in their business and life.

Full Episode Transcript:

[00:00:00] Here's a fun question. How do you think of possibilities you've never thought of? How do you get outside of your head when your brain, by default, is inside your head? The answers to these questions will radically up level your business and life. And luckily, it's exactly what we're discussing in this episode. You're listening to the Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast. The podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies that sell themselves, so you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging and strategy and step into the uncommonly successful business. And life you are creating. Here's your host, top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned queen of clarity, Jenna Harrison. [00:01:00] Hey, welcome back to The Uncommon Way. I don't know about where you are, but here in PA, spring has arrived. We are talking tulips and 75 degree weather and ducks laying eggs, which always gets me jazzed up thinking about reinvention and creating anew. Even more so this year, because we're about to begin a totally new life in Spain. Since this is on my mind, maybe it's on your mind, too. Let's dive into it. Today, I want to share the sequence of how I walk clients through their reinvention process. Here's what we'll be covering. Why you can't create new results with the same brain you have today. So you have got to start with changing yourself or you'll drastically decelerate your timeline for whatever you would like to accomplish. You'll learn how, [00:02:00] tactically, to start expanding your mind to think about possibilities you have never considered. And finally, how to bring these radical shifts into your business in the most strategic ways to create the business of flow and meaning and wildly uncommon success that you are seeking. And I hope it goes without saying, since The Uncommon Way is all about continual evolution and growth, that I am just engaged in this work as you are and as my clients are. In fact, you can check out episode 88, which we will link to in the show notes, or you can just go to TheUncommonWay. com forward slash 88 and And you'll get my update on what's going on behind the scenes here at this business. And it's going to help you generate more courage if you know that a part of you is staying with the status quo just because that's what feels most safe or you're not sure what your [00:03:00] next step should even be. And also, did you know that you can get personalized coaching from me in the form of a podcast episode? Think about what could change in your business if I pointed out just one thing you weren't seeing, or I helped you figure out one new thing. But you've got to take the first step. Head over to The Uncommon Way forward slash talk T A L K. And leave me a voicemail. Just let me know what's going on. And then strap in for an influx of calm, laid back energy and direction in your business. All right, my friend, today we're starting with your mindset tip first. As I mentioned earlier, you can't create new results with the same brain you have today. We all think that we are swimming in an ocean of possibilities, but the truth is, it's like we're in a fishbowl in the ocean, [00:04:00] and that fishbowl is the way that we've been thinking, the way that we're used to. Thinking and the way that we narrow our possibilities through that frame of reference. I see examples of this every day, and I know that even a brain surgeon can't do surgery on herself. I'm thinking about my client, Carrie, who I've interviewed on the podcast about this, but she was in a state of scarcity, believing who would pay her and how much people could pay, and so she didn't realize that. All of that language was actually infiltrating her website and even determining how her offers were structured. I'm thinking of another client of mine who had this great belief that she always accomplishes whatever she sets out to accomplish. How can you argue with that? It sounds great, right? But what we identified is that that sometimes keeps her from taking the bold risks, Because [00:05:00] what if she doesn't actually accomplish it? What if there's failure involved? And so transforming her relationship to failure and her thoughts about it were actually what were necessary for her to go to the next level. I'm thinking about another client of mine that really wanted to grow her membership, but recognize that she also did not want to be seen. And those were coming through in her decisions about how to market to her audience in ways that she didn't even realize. Now, the biology of the human brain is to run on autopilot. We couldn't possibly get through the day if we were having to process every bit of information and analyze and make new decisions. So our brain tries to help us out by cataloging knowledge that it knows and helping us create these lenses and these filters so that we don't have to do so much heavy lifting with every decision and every thought. [00:06:00] Unfortunately, when we're trying to create something new, it's challenging because we have this propensity to stay with the status quo and keep seeing things the way that we've been seeing them, because statistically, for survival, it made more sense to err on the side of caution and to keep running on the assumptions that we've always had. But that is not the way of creators and visionaries who want new things. And so just like the examples I gave you before, typically when we break down the most effective ways to move forward for my clients and really reach that next level that we're seeking, it becomes obvious that something we've been holding near and dear or that we just think is such a part of us or the thing that guarantees our success is really inhibiting progress. . And I believe that is because entrepreneurship is the greatest [00:07:00] spiritual and personal development journey for women. We always run smack into the parts of us that most need to heal or be released or be transcended. It's par for the course when women have so much conditioning that runs directly contrary to the most necessary Entrepreneurial traits and skill sets, like taking up space and owning your gifts and charging money rather than just giving everything away for free, developing risk avoidance, . All of those are what a good woman does. And so it's challenging to flip the script. And that's why when we look at studies and statistics that tell us things like women are less inclined to apply for a job interview, for which they are partially qualified than a man is, or only 2 percent of women owned businesses are seven figure businesses, whereas 30 [00:08:00] percent of male owned businesses are seven figure businesses. We have clear evidence of all of that conditioning. Women who are less likely to seek capital investment, who are caught up thinking they should be able to do it themselves. Maybe they're not charging as much. Maybe they're not seeking out promotional opportunities. There are so many micro decisions that contribute to these results that we see systemically. A fantastic book that will just hit you over the head with all of these very well Linked studies that demonstrate this type of conditioning is Rachel Rogers book. We Should All Be Millionaires. Really, just the first chapter or two where she's laying all of this out is mind blowing and you start realizing, oh, when I think maybe I'm not business savvy, there may not be any basis to that. It is interesting that [00:09:00] women outperform men with investment performance. But we've inherited all these beliefs, and they don't serve us, and they keep us plain small. There are many personal experiences that form our own fishbowl, too, right? Maybe something that happened in junior high. Maybe behavior that you observed from your parents. We want to get outside of all of that. In fact, we want to be willing to burn it all down to then build back intentionally this time. Now, it's never fully possible, but we want to at least take a stab at it. Right? We want to get off autopilot. So what are the beliefs and ways of being that serve me, rather than serve society, or serve the patriarchy, or serve my parents? What serves me? But before anything, you've got to be willing to let your old way of being go, even though that feels threatening, like you [00:10:00] may not succeed if you do that. You've got to invite reinvention rather than staying with what has worked until now. It's not that it was necessarily wrong. It got you where you are, it's just not where you're going. I've found this reinvention process to be such rocket fuel for women's success that I've created an entire new module in the Clarity Accelerator for it. It's now the very first work you'll learn to do in that program. It used to be the work that I was doing with my private clients, until I saw such consistent, mind blowing change. Women blowing past membership goals that they'd had for a decade, building their business in record time, creating the new business they'd been holding off on, or the seven figure business they'd dreamed of, and it became apparent that I needed to get this into the hands of more women. Stat. And also because I hate when knowledge is doled out in tears, like, Oh, you can have access to [00:11:00] this knowledge now, but we'll only teach you this stuff once you've earned whatever arbitrary number, the six figures, or the 10k months, or the seven figures. No! How about we give everyone a Every woman, the best chance of success now. I know I would have liked to have had access to high level mindset concepts and messaging concepts and strategy concepts, so I couldn't, in integrity, not make them available, not make this reinvention work available. to each and every one of my clients. So to sum up, there is a huge ocean of possibilities available for you in your business, and by the nature of your brain, you're only scratching the surface of what's available. And your life can get so much richer, better, bigger, but you need to be the one to seek it out and do the work to step into it. And don't worry, it's time to get tactical. So now I'm going [00:12:00] to give you two really powerful prompts that are going to grease the wheels and get your mind used to stretching into these directions that it's not used to, and really build that muscle for yourself. Hey, if you're a coach who wants true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots. The dots that have always been there for you. So that you can show up like you were born for exactly this. Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn. From Facebook ads to manifestation. Just go to theuncommonway. com slash schedule and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach. Okay, number one is, what are five possibilities from your past that you never considered? Now, in hindsight, you can see it was [00:13:00] possible, but it just never crossed your mind. I like to use the example of Rodeo Clown. It never occurred to me that I could have been a Rodeo Clown. Now, A lot of my clients tend to go a little deeper with this, but really do stretch your brain. Just see, like, you could have skipped college. Maybe you could have been into polyamory rather than the monogamous marriage you have now. Maybe there's some athletic pursuit that you never even considered for yourself because you had a belief that you weren't athletic. Go ahead and pause this and take a minute to come up with 3 to 5 examples of possibilities that you did not live. Great. Okay, why did we start with the past when we're talking about reinventing the future? It's because you know more now. You are a different person than you were then, and I want you to see how much you've already changed and [00:14:00] broadened your perspective. So if that change is possible in the 10 or however many years between now and then, why can't it happen much more quickly for you going forward? , we know it's going to happen, but let's help accelerate it, and let's choose intentionally, again, rather than being on autopilot. And then there's another reason we went to the past, and that's that it's a lot safer for us. We can't change the past. It's already happened, so we're not really going to do the things, so what's the harm in playing? But now, I'm going to ask you to do the same for future possibilities. You don't have to pause, right? You can just reflect on it while you're brushing your teeth. I have a client who says, Jenna, my teeth are going to be really white after working with you. But the point is that mindset work doesn't have to take work. You don't have to block out time in your day for it. You just have to open yourself to musing [00:15:00] over it. Uh, in the shower, or when you're walking your dog, or brushing your teeth. And try to let yourself be equally as open with what's possible in the future as you were in the past. Again, we're just building this muscle right now. And you don't have to do any of those things, obviously. But that form of thinking will lead you to more creative, visionary, out of the box ways of being. The kind that, in hindsight, people will say, Oh, that makes sense. That was a smart business move. But when you first think of it, you're probably going to feel like, Oh shit, who am I kidding? I remember when we were on our retreat last October, there was a woman who was talking about selling a business, and she, in her future plan, was stating that she wanted to sell her business for 5 million. And all of us were able to catch her in that and say, no, no, no, I think you mean 50 million. 5 million was already undervalued for what she's creating. And of course, it didn't feel shocking to us on the outside [00:16:00] looking in, but to her, it felt shocking. She had to absorb that and then be able to integrate it and move on. And that's okay. You can let it percolate. You get to make all of your decisions. No one's forcing you to do anything. But if you do decide you want support making it happen, then let's talk, because I love this stuff. Alright, here's your second prompt, which helps really bring that possibility more directly into your business today. Let's just imagine you were a sorceress who could wave a magic wand and work with any type of person you want to. This person's already a big fan, there's zero convincing required, they're just the most exciting kind of person you can imagine working with, and they are hanging on your every word. Now, what would you say to them about the work you're going to do together? You can imagine this as a conversation, or imagine writing a letter, or [00:17:00] creating a social media post, but in this ocean of possibility, where these clients exist, what would you say to them about what comes next? Oh, I'm giving myself tingles here. I hope you're getting them too, because this is the basis of everything else you'll create. Before you can reverse engineer the copy, the offers, the strategy, you need clear vision. You'd need to be open to what's possible, and you need to desire it enough to be willing to make some changes to the status quo. Which leads into our third tip of the day, which might seem a little out there for some of you, but that's okay, because this episode is all about stretching possibilities. We tend to walk through our businesses in a series of have dos well, because this is what's possible. I have to do this because these are my acquired skills and this is what I imagine the most people will pay for. And these are [00:18:00] all the resources I have at this moment. I have to have this business or target these people or use this strategy. I just got off the phone with a client of mine who was thinking about her next iteration and she was talking about creating websites and in her frame of reference, she lives up in the Seattle area. So it was either the two. tech savvy startups, or it was the small kind of mom and pop business owner that would be her two clients. And I just said, but what about all of these other ones that also have this really strong vision and mission, but they just don't know how to express it visually? They just know how to bring it forward. And I started naming off a few, like, my dog eats vegan dog food. Right? And they have a really strong belief that dogs do not need to be carnivores anymore and that they can create just as much nutritional satisfaction with vegan products. [00:19:00] Or another one I know about, it's a business that creates products for a natural makeup. Or there are all of these businesses sprouting. Oh, another one I love, and this is not a paid promo in any way, but I happen to love this burst company. Have you heard of this? It's all dental products. It cracks me up. It's refillable dental floss. So you don't need to keep buying plastic containers over and over. And it's also like black and with charcoal in it. And there are all these different reasons why they have up level dental floss. And all different dental hygiene products. I love it so much. I'm such a gimmick girl. I'm like, why shouldn't my enjoyment of buying dental products be really super high? And I'll look forward to the shipment every couple months or something. And these are businesses that might've had a strong vision, a strong, or, , yeah, strong vision and a strong way of thinking about what they wanted to bring into the world, but not known how to do that [00:20:00] visually or through UX or through the back end of their web. So, there are a lot of possibilities. I'm just sharing this as one other example to help you see what I'm saying here. But again, we tend to filter our decisions through this lens, right? And it's a lens that's inherently limiting. It's like when we're looking for the perfect leaf. And for those of you who don't get that reference, you can listen to my episode number two, The Decision Tree, which talks about the incorrect way that we are taught to make decisions and how to start making much more powerful, useful, and aligned decisions. But the overview is that we tend to try and find a perfect leaf on a tree by going leaf by leaf and then comparing and contrasting and thinking, I could do this, but I could also do that. Well, here are all the pros, here are all the cons. And it really sends our brains into gridlock, and I believe goes against our nature [00:21:00] versus cons. What is the trunk of that tree, right? What am I really trying to create? And then when the branches split off, you just go with the strongest branch. And then when those split off, you go with the strongest branch and you keep following this until you get to your leaf. It's just a completely different way of moving through your decision making process that So, when you leave behind the have tos and you open yourself instead to what you want and what is possible for you, and you're willing to work towards that, of course, because we only want to use the smartest of business strategies to bring this into existence, right? This is not just about hoping and crossing your fingers. at all. But when you start from here and you flip the script from what do I have to do into what if I can create [00:22:00] whatever I want. You step into what I call yes and energy and you unleash a torrent of personal power which like I said before is rocket fuel. It gives you tremendous energy and capacity to go kick ass. But it's also magnetic because people want to be around the brilliant, confident person that you are showing up as. And it's manifestation catnip because you are in full receiving mode. If you keep telling the universe, this is all I get, this is my lot, you'll keep getting that. When you say, Yes, and more please. Why not me? You get the same in return. And this invariably transform your business. It can't not. You almost inevitably organically end up moving through my connect the dots method for business, which I highly recommend you do. And it just [00:23:00] realigns everything. It tightens it up or it closes the gaps or it's like a chiropractic alignment for your business. You start thinking through. If I could do anything, what do I really want to do from that place of power? And then from there, who would my people be? If I could, again, wave my wand and have ideal clients, who are these ideal clients do I dare to dream? And from that, what offer will they need? To be able to say emphatically, yes, what is something I can create so purposefully for them that it's like no other offer , is available to even settle for. Because this is so clearly what they need. And then from there, continuing to connect the dots, how am I going to talk about that to them? In a way that really ties together both [00:24:00] me and what I'm here to do, knowing myself, and them and what they're really about, knowing them, and just creating very clear, concise dialogue. messaging, and copy that helps them feel really safe and really excited about moving forward with you. Okay, my friend, time for you to move into yes and energy. Time for all women to move into it, actually, but time for you to be one of the groundbreakers paving the way, the uncommon way. I will see you back here next week. And remember, You know who you are, and each day you are stepping further into what you're here to create. Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity First strategy for growing and scaling your business, [00:25:00] visit TheUncommonWay. com. See you next time.