Ep# 94: Spring Cleanse: 7 Day Guided Thought Cleanse to Detox Your Mindset for Better Business Results

Episode Summary

Ever considered giving your business a spring cleanse?

Just like de-cluttering your home or detoxing your body, it's time to detox your thoughts for a thriving business because as entrepreneurs, our thoughts drive our actions and results.

But what if some of those thoughts are weighing us down, hindering our growth, and keeping us from reaching our full potential?

In this episode, Jenna Harrison guides you through a 7-day thought cleanse, helping you detox thoughts that no longer serve you and step into a more empowered version of yourself.

In this episode: you will:

  1. 1) Gain clarity on thoughts that hinder your success and learn to let them go.

    2) Develop a healthier mindset to reduce hustle and increase ease in your business.

    3) Discover the power of thought cleansing to transform your internal world and unlock new possibilities.

Ready to detox your thoughts and level up your business?

Scroll up & press play now to gain the tools you need to get better business results in 2024.

Head to theuncommonway.com/thought-cleanse to access the free resources and start your 7-day thought cleanse today.

Schedule a call with Jenna about joining the Clarity Accelerator to dial in signature offers and strategies and a first-rate mindset. https://www.theuncommonway.com/schedule   

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Episodes mentioned 

#93. The 1,2,3 of Reinventing Yourself and Realigning Your Business for Next Level Success

The Uncommon Way is led by business coach Jenna Harrison, who helps women entrepreneurs feel confident, find their ideal clients effortlessly and avoid overwork so they can manifest abundance in their business and life.  

Full Episode Transcript:

[00:00:00] We've all heard about spring cleaning and dietary cleanses. It's just as important in business, especially when you're about to uplevel your existing business or start something new. You're listening to the Uncommon Way Business and Life Coaching Podcast. The podcast that helps women entrepreneurs get clear on signature offers and strategies that sell themselves, so you can lean back and stop the hustle. You will learn to maximize your mindset, messaging, and strategy, and step into the uncommonly successful business and life you are creating. Here's your host, Top ranked business coach and reformed over analyzer turned Queen of Clarity, Jenna Harrison. In this three part series, I'm going to show you the business equivalent of a [00:01:00] spring cleanse, so you can feel amazing, lean back more and hustle less, and more easefully welcome in the kind of results you know you're capable of. Welcome, welcome back everyone. I've got a special treat for you now that spring is here. I'll be taking you through a spring cleanse for your business, because what works for our homes or bodies is just as important for business, especially when you are getting ready for something big. Now for some of you, that is some new phase of growth or uplevel in your current business. For some of you, that's starting a new business, whether it's your first or your fifth. Now this episode here is where I will be walking you through a thought cleanse. Because the way you're thinking, and what you're believing and seeing, drives so many of your actions and results. We'd like to keep our really helpful thoughts as we go [00:02:00] forward, but detox all the ones that are weighing us down and wreaking havoc on our potential. Just like we keep our most vibrant and healthy selves, And let go of the ones that aren't producing at the level we want. So in this episode, you will get a 7 day system for detoxing the thoughts and ways of thinking that might have served you until now, but are not helpful for your future. You'll get to feel what it's like when you flush a thought from your system. The same lightness and increased energy you get from cleaning your closet or your body. And most importantly, you'll have a new understanding of just how much power you have to change your internal world and be whomever and however you'd like to be. Now, if you listened to last week's episode, you know that here at The Uncommon Way, we believe personal reinvention is the domino that sets off [00:03:00] the chain reaction for all the other positive change in your business. And if you didn't get to listen to it, no problem. This episode here stands alone just fine. But make sure that you don't miss it, that you go back, because I outlined this whole transformation from personal into business, step by step, and I gave you examples to help it all sink in. And some tips. tips, which you're not going to be getting in this episode here, and you don't want to miss. Now, I've got to tell you, these episodes here were inspired by all of the decluttering that I've been doing in my own life. As our move date gets closer, we are throwing out and selling off so many things. For those of you who don't know, we're making a big overseas move to Spain, and so it requires Massive downsizing. I guess it doesn't require massive downsizing. We are choosing to massively downsize. And I'm noticing a lot of [00:04:00] feelings come up about some of those objects that I've become attached to. But really, do we really need all of those high school mementos and or those things that have been passed down to us by other generations that we think we should hold on to? And what about that whole category of things that just work perfectly well, like a bed? Why when the bed is fine, would I potentially get a new bed? Well, it's because it just doesn't make sense to ship it overseas when we could buy one for about the same price. But, ugh, it just gets to me to buy more stuff and create more stuff in this world, rather than using what we already have that works so perfectly. So just know, as you are embarking on this decluttering slash detoxing journey for yourself, if any of that stuff comes up, any of the, But what would happen if I get rid of this? But what if I need that? I am [00:05:00] completely with you and empathize 100%. At the same time, is there anything more thrilling and exciting than moving into some new version, right? To wondering what's available on the other side. And really that's the energy that we want to carry through in this seven day quest of ours, where we're just seeing. We're not really Having to get rid of anything, necessarily, that we don't want to, but we're just trying on what it would be like not to have it. Now, if you happen to be walking the dog right now, or driving, don't worry. You don't have to take notes about what to do on each of these seven days. I've got you. We've created a very pretty PDF for you so that you have everything outlined in front of you and you don't have to take any notes right now. And we've also created a little email love note for each day of these seven days that will start sharing some of the actual thoughts that [00:06:00] I've seen pop up for clients of mine so that you will know you're not alone, as well as some substitute thoughts that you might want to start leaning into. We'll also share a meditation that's more of a somatic practice, a body based practice that will help with this thought release. So if that is interesting to you, you can find it at the Uncommon Way forward slash thought dash cleanse. Now for each of the days, which are split into different thought categories, there's the same three step process that you want to do with each of them. First, you just want to take inventory of your thoughts about each of these topics. You might do that in a journal, you might do that while you're brushing your teeth. And then look at them and think which of them feel really heavy or might make your journey more difficult. Now, you can narrow this down to just one. It'll feel so different to move through the day [00:07:00] even if you just subtract one of those thoughts. Hey, if you want true clarity about your secret sauce, your people, your best way of doing business, and how you talk about your offer, then I invite you to join us in the Clarity Accelerator. I'll teach you to connect all the dots, the dots that have always been there for you, so that you can show up like you were born for exactly this. Come join us and supercharge every other tool or tactic you'll ever learn from Facebook ads to manifestation Just go to the uncommon way comm slash schedule and set up a time to talk. I can't wait to be your coach And then last step. As you move through the day, just imagine what it would be like if you didn't believe that thing, or if you weren't centering that thing and thinking about it. How would you act? How would you show up? How would you move through the day? As if you're trying on a new piece of clothing and it's different to the style you [00:08:00] normally wear. How does it feel? Remember, no one's going to be here to judge you on those thoughts. No one's going to see what you're doing. And besides, the mini course is just going to completely normalize all of them for you. But my therapist the other day was saying, yeah, if you put rotten eggs in, you're going to get rotten eggs out. Not sure exactly what that means. I think it means something like if you put rotten eggs into the cake, it'll come out. Rotten? But it just felt really down homey and like those old words of truth and wisdom that you hear from, , older generations. And so I'm like, yeah, that is it. That's it for our thoughts as well. If we keep putting these thoughts into our system, they keep showing up in our results. Versus this great saying that I saw on the homepage of a kid's summer camp in Mallorca that we're looking to send Dylan to. And it said, don't leave your comfort [00:09:00] zone. Just expand it. And I thought, yes, these are my people. So let's get down to it and see if we can expand our comfort zones and broaden our way of thinking. Shall we? All right. Our category for the first day is what enough even looks like for you to be successful enough or doing good enough or be acceptable enough, be legit enough. And as a bonus, what it means if you don't measure up to that. Now most people go through life not having any idea of how many unexamined thoughts they have. And how many hoops they're jumping through in order to be perceived as successful enough, legit enough, acceptable enough. I'll tell you a story about two clients of mine. Both of them wanted to move into kind of branding, web design, graphic work. Both of them felt [00:10:00] like theirs wasn't quite good enough and maybe they shouldn't go forward in their business yet. One of them dove into working with me and really did the work to release those thoughts and move into a different way of being, and ended up having a very thriving business in her first year of business. The other woman was with me on a course, a group course that I put out a long time ago, and then, From there, it turns out, she decided to live into that thought that she wasn't ready yet, wasn't legit enough, wasn't good enough yet. And so she actually went back and got her associate's degree in design. And two years later, we happened to bump back into each other, and she was still having the same thoughts. That she wasn't quite ready yet, wasn't good enough yet, and she was actually considering going and investing in this other tool set she believed she needed. in order to finally be ready and be able to move forward. I see this with coaches all the time. I [00:11:00] see this in all industries. Now, of course, we want to have integrity in what we do, but we really have to question these sneaky little thoughts. So for this first day, just pick one and imagine what kind of things you'd be doing if you didn't have that in the back of your Because most thoughts in their core, most negative thoughts, lead back in some way to not enoughness and not enoughness is what leads to hustle, it leads to strong inner critics, it leads to striving but never arriving, and leads to jumping through unnecessary hoops. Alright, day two. What does it take to create success, or really win? Does it take time? Does it take hard work? Is it only a certain class or a certain gender? Does it take suffering? Does it take being willing to compromise your integrity? You will never be able to lean back more and [00:12:00] hustle less without detoxing those kinds of thoughts. Day three. Let's think about what it means when you fail. Sometimes, to find the really meaty ones here, you have to bring it in close. You might have been around the band a time or two in entrepreneurial circles and know that you're supposed to think that failure means you're learning and failure's the way to growth. But chances are there's more there. Like if I still have thoughts about this, I bet you do too. It's so funny because I remember when I was first beginning in entrepreneurship and I was a performance coach, I was talking about how, little kids, when they're learning to walk, for instance, when they haven't been, had any negative conditioning yet, they aren't afraid of failing. They'll just get up and plop back down and get right back up again. And they're just so fearless and determined. Well, then I had my son, and I got to see him firsthand, as he would [00:13:00] wail and pound his little fist every time he fell down. He just couldn't stand failure. So I don't know if this is conditioned or wired in us, or it's different for all of us. It doesn't matter. We have the capacity to create new neural pathways, new stimulus response patterns. So, even if you are very, very failure averse, it doesn't have to stay that way, but it does have to start with this process of at least even seeing what the thoughts are. If you don't know how to create those new neural pathways, then you definitely need to join us because this work changes lives. Alright? If you're struggling to find a place where failure really feels like a strong hit for you. Bring it in close. What happens if that launch that you're in the middle of right now fails? What will that mean? Will that [00:14:00] mean that maybe you're not cut out for this or maybe you should just like rework your offers, right? Find out what it means at a place where it really feels like something to you. You good? We're on day four. Remember, you don't have to be writing all these down if you don't want to. You can go pick up the PDF at forward slash thought dash cleanse. But if you are writing them down, stick with me. We're on day four. Day four is the category describing your thoughts and expectations of other people. Now those other people could be your audience, they could be your clients, your employees. I had a client come in with a very large business, but she was determined to keep it a one woman show because she'd had employees in the past that she felt she couldn't trust. And guess what kind of thoughts really helped bring in those employees? Thoughts that she couldn't trust. But when we were able to unravel that a bit, she [00:15:00] found an amazing right hand person that she was happy to welcome in. I had another client that was really feeling triggered by some of the things that were going on with her clients. But some of that was a reflection of the parts of herself that she didn't like, and of course that was driving actions and results that weren't completely serving her. I've had people who were really angry at the people on their list for not buying, for not getting the picture, and then that tends to come across in their writing. So, what does all of this have in common? One, it feels terrible. Two, it leads to terrible results. And three, it's almost always about you, about your imagination, your expectations, and this, manual that you have about how other people should behave and shouldn't behave. And if you can imagine just dropping that for one day, like, What if [00:16:00] it wasn't the job of your audience, client, husband, whatever, to do that thing, right? How would you be able to move forward without that weight of like dissonance? Number five, let's talk about money, shall we? Imagine money sitting across from you at a table. When I first tried this, in my experience, I saw money as this seductive woman who was basically saying, you can't get me. And every time I've tried this with someone, I've gotten a different answer. Nobody that I've talked to has ever seen it exactly the same way. But it does bring up about a lot about what you think money is to you, how money is to you, in relation to you. And that'll give you a lot of fun stuff to look at. But there's also thoughts about what money will mean to you if you have it, or what it'll mean if [00:17:00] you don't have it. I've had several clients whose families were salt of the earth people, and they really worried that they would be separating themselves from their family of origin and really lose a lot of love that was present in their life at the moment if they became one of those wealthy out of touch people. Again, this can take on so many shades and flavors, but usually it boils down to, I won't be worthy or I won't be loved. Around the world, rich and poor, There are so many thoughts and scarcity and heavy feelings around money, and we have got to, as a collective, break our toxic relationship with it. Because money is finite at any given moment, yes, but so is air. And we don't have nearly the same drama about air that we do about money and not having enough of it. And globally, we are [00:18:00] continually creating more wealth, so this can be a positive sum game. We don't have to take away from anybody else in order for ourselves to gain wealth. We can, in fact, give way more back than we're ever given. It's just that right now in the world, money looks a little wonky because of how human psychology is playing with it and wielding it. For those of you who are like, I don't want any part of that. I really just want my little six figures or whatever I'm earning in corporate, and I would be so good with that. I will support you with that if you are decided, absolutely. But Transcribed I hate to break it to you, but once you truly believe that you can create what you want, and you can do it without overwork, without dubious integrities and have dos, you're probably going to want to do some really amazing and uncommon things with your life and your legacy that will [00:19:00] require money. You're probably going to enjoy pursuing wealth at some point, but Rest assured, this isn't your daddy's old outdated type of rich, with material wealth only. Here at The Uncommon Way, we are creating a new 1%. The people who don't just have money, but they also have richness in so many other ways. That type of wealth needs to be less uncommon. And we've got to set the example by creating it and living into it. Day six, my personal favorite, time. I have had to really do my own work in this category. Now it's more scarce than money, in our linear perception anyway, but we tend to spend it and waste it much more freely. So what are your [00:20:00] thoughts? What are your thoughts when you're thinking about your time? Is it that it's not enough? We say that as if it's a statement without realizing its perception. Everyone has 24 hours in a day, but some people create a lot more with it than others. Let's say you are thinking, I don't have enough time. And then how do you feel with that? You tend to feel scattered and overwhelmed. And when you look at what comes from that, chances are you are doing some spinning, you're spending your off time thinking about how you don't have time in work, for instance, to do what you need to do. You may be rushing through things, make some careless mistakes that means you have to go back and duplicate your efforts at another time. And so often what you end up creating when you're thinking, I don't have enough time, is that you use time inefficiently. [00:21:00] And just compare that to some other time in your life where maybe you haven't felt rushed, you have felt a greater capacity, and how quickly sometimes you've just downloaded something and gotten it done. So for one day, I want to give that to you to play with. What if it weren't feeling scarce or weren't feeling like some judgment of you because I've heard that to people Who think I should have been further ahead by now. I put this much time into it. Therefore XYZ What if you could release your thoughts about time? What would change for you Finally day seven. Let's think about your intellectual capacity and your smarts or your intellectual resources, your business acumen. What if you consider this as valuable as money or time? Now because of our negativity bias and our conditioning as women and individuals, that's not normally the case. Now, I bet you go through life thinking you are pretty [00:22:00] smart, but for this exercise today, I need you to walk right up against your limit. I remember once I was talking to a client who was a coach, and she was talking about how confident she feels to go in and help people, and I don't remember what the context was, but I made some comment about coaching billionaires, and right away she was like, Oh, I just realized when you said that, I definitely don't think I could do that. Now for you, maybe it's not coaching, but maybe it's impress those people or build that kind of business. Whatever it might be, find your edge here. We also sometimes see this category is finite when it's not. Like, oh, well, this is what I've got to work with. This level of business knowledge or marketing knowledge or creative skills, etc. You might uncover a thought that just feels like fact. It doesn't really even feel charged where you're like, that's just not my strong suit. But you are not done, my friend. The game doesn't stop [00:23:00] here. You're not done increasing the resource that is your mind. The most precious, valuable resource you have. You can lose all your money and have very limited time, but if you're invested in your brain and building your capacity in that area, you can make it all back and more. You can make anything happen. It's the one constant that you carry around with you. So if you have great thoughts in any of these areas, you want to have especially great thoughts about this area. Okay, my friend, I hope this episode has got the wheels turning. I hope it's inspiring you to at least play for even just one day with each of these categories. And if you want more, you're welcome to head to theuncommonway. com forward slash thought cleanse. The link is in the episode notes, and I'll give you [00:24:00] some more fun food for thought to really help you with this thought cleanse and spring detox to make way for whatever is next for you and your business. Alright, remember, deep down you know who you are, and each day you're stepping further into what you're here to create. Thanks for joining us here at The Uncommon Way. If you want more tips and resources for developing clarity in your business and life, including the Clarity First strategy for growing and scaling your business, visit TheUncommonWay. com. See you next time.